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Northside Tavern

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4163 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 5223
(513) 542-3603 http://www.northsidetav.com/cincy/

October 2017

Sr. Leslie Keener at Theology on Tap Clifton (in Northside!)

October 4, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 5223
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October speaker series held in NORTHSIDE this year! Theme “Catholic Mythbusters.” Theology on Tap is a national program aimed at young adults presenting talks on Catholic subjects in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Gather at 7 pm; talks at 7:30 pm. Sister Leslie, CDP, is a campus minister, spiritual director, and vocations minister. Her myth: “The Church never changes.”

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Dr. Jeff Zalar at Theology on Tap Clifton (in Northside!)

October 11, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 5223
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October speaker series held in NORTHSIDE this year! Theme “Catholic Mythbusters.” Theology on Tap is a national program aimed at young adults presenting talks on Catholic subjects in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Gather at 7 pm; talks at 7:30 pm. Dr. Zalar is Chair of Catholic Studies at the University of Cincinnati. His myth: “The Church is anti-science.”

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Father Pat McCloskey at Theology on Tap Clifton (in Northside!)

October 18, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 5223
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October speaker series held in NORTHSIDE this year! Theme “Catholic Mythbusters.” Theology on Tap is a national program aimed at young adults presenting talks on Catholic subjects in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Gather at 7 pm; talks at 7:30 pm. Father Pat is a Franciscan friar and writer. His myth: “Whoo needs the saints?”

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Karen Kane at at Theology on Tap Clifton (in Northside!)

October 25, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Northside Tavern, 4163 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 5223
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October speaker series held in NORTHSIDE this year! Theme “Catholic Mythbusters.” Theology on Tap is a national program aimed at young adults presenting talks on Catholic subjects in a relaxed, social atmosphere. Gather at 7 pm; talks at 7:30 pm. Karen Kane is Director of Divine Worship and Sacraments for the Archdiocese of Cincnnati. Her topic: “The Eucharist: Separating superstition from reality.”

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Karen Kane at at Theology on Tap Clifton (in Northside!)