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Mother of Mercy High School

3036 Werk Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45211 United States
513-661-2740 www.motherofmercy.org

June 2018

Blue & White Party at Mother of Mercy High School

June 2, 2018 @ 4:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Mother of Mercy High School, 3036 Werk Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45211 United States
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A celebration of more than 100 years of Mercy HS -- all friends of Mercy welcome. Begins with 4:30 Mass, followed by the ceremonial closing of the school's main entrance (building will be open for self-guided tours until 7 p.m.). Community dinner on the lawn  - hot dogs and hamburgers cooked by Mercy Dads (please bring a side or dessert dish to share -- bottled water and soda available for 50 cents; beer and wine available for $1). Pete Wagner…

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Blue & White Party at Mother of Mercy High School