Wrapped in God’s Love
Reaching out to others with love: that sums up the work of the many volunteers who sew projects and donate items to the Wrapped in God’s Love ministry at Holy Angels Church and Sidney Community.
“This is a group effort,” said Judy Zimmerman, who helped start the ministry and guides it today. “We work to support numerous agencies that support the marginalized and have sent thousands of items to over 15 foreign countries and Puerto Rico.”
While the work started small, it grew as the needs became clearer and people came out of the woodwork to contribute to Wrapped in God’s Love mission: to work toward building the Kingdom of God through service to others.
For example, while on a trip to see the good work of Brigid’s Path in Dayton, Zimmerman said members recognized a need for baby blankets. “With a limited budget, we weren’t sure we could [help]. The next day I got a call from a lady who said she had a lot of flannel material and asked if we could use it.”
Now, people often check in the connector between Holy Angels’ school and church buildings to pick up projects needing work, or they drop off items for Wrapped in God’s Love to distribute. “Recently, there was a box of 66 little dresses, and I have no idea who sewed them,” said Zimmerman.
The group’s recent passion project is Boxes of Love, which provides local children in need with a box of small items to remind them that they are loved by God. Church groups, families, school groups and individuals donate toys, clothing, school supplies, toiletries and craft items for the kids.
The project distributed 50 boxes last year, received items over the holidays for another 100 boxes that are prepared to go out soon, and has plans for Holy Angels School to assist with another round of boxes during Lent.
As is so often the case, it is not just the recipients who are ministered to. Wrapped in God’s Love has positively affected the volunteers who made its outreach a success. “Part of the mission is to support people who need something to do to feel useful, who want to serve and need a way to do that,” said Zimmerman. The ministry has planned numerous service days that bring folks together to sew and create projects for
multiple ministries and mission sites.
Recognizing that these connections add to her ministry, Zimmerman said, “The rewarding experience is just to have found wonderful close friends who work hard to fulfill our mission and attract others.” Thus is proved the maxim that it is truly in giving that we receive.
There is always room for more people to join in the work of Wrapped in God’s Love. If you are looking to get involved, they are looking for you, too. Pick up sewing projects at Holy Angels, or check their parish bulletin and social media for upcoming initiatives. You can also get involved by calling Judy Zimmerman at 937-638-2733.
This article appeared in the March 2025 edition of The Catholic Telegraph Magazine. For your complimentary subscription, click here.