Week 6 standings and Week 7 opponents for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report
Harkening back to older times where The Catholic Telegraph published high school football information in the print edition, for the remainder of the season we’ll be posting the collected standings and weekly opponents of all of our Catholic high school football teams here each Friday.
Here are the standings through week six with week seven opponents listed.
Team Week 6 Record Week 7 opponent
GCL Co-Ed Standings
Alter 6-0 (3-0) Badin (5-1)
Chaminade Julienne 5-1 (3-0) *McNicholas (6-0)
Fenwick 2-4 (1-2) Purcell Marian (2-4)
Carroll 2-4 (0-3) Roger Bacon (2-4)
McNicholas 6-0 (3-0) *at Chaminade Julienne (5-1)
Badin 5-1 (2-1) at Alter (6-0)
Purcell Marian 2-4 (0-3) at Fenwick (2-4)
Roger Bacon 2-4 (0-3) at Carroll (2-4)
GCL South
LaSalle 6-0 (1-0) St. Xavier (4-2)
St. Xavier 4-2 (1-0) at La Salle (6-0)
Moeller 5-1 (0-1) Elder (4-2)
Elder 4-2 (0-1) at Moeller (5-1)
Other Catholic Schools
Summit Country Day 5-1 (2-1 MVC) at North College Hill (3-3)
Lehman Catholic 4-2 (2-0 NCC) *Fort Loramie (4-2)
Catholic Central 0-6 (0-3 OHC) at Greenview (6-0)
*Games marked with an asterisk are scheduled for Saturday.
Posted Oct. 10, 2014
Previous Weeks
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5