USCCB President Archbishop Kurtz to speak at seminary Dec. 9

Archbishop of Louisville and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Joseph E. Kurtz will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Dec. 9 at the Athenaeum of Ohio’s Bartlett Center.
Archbishop Kurtz’s talk, “Inspiring and Accompanying Families in Christ: Reflections on the Synods on the Family,” will draw on his experience participating in the Synod of Bishops on the Family that took place in Rome this October.
During the Synod, Archbishop Kurtz said Catholic families must play a leading role in evangelization. “We need families who can witness — even through their own wounds and difficulties – the beauty of marriage and family life.”
All are welcome; seating is limited. The event is the Gardner Lecture in Moral Theology; it will be streamed live on the Athenaeum website.
Read more about Archbishop Kurtz’s visit at The Athenaeum of Ohio’s website.