US Bishops launch share the journey site

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has launched a website to help parishes, clergy, and laypeople with Pope Francis’s “Share the Journey” campaign.
The two-year campaign launched on Sept. 27 in Vatican City at the pope’s weekly audience is aimed at “to promote encounters between people on the move and people living in the countries they are leaving, passing through or arriving in,” according to Catholic New Service. Sponsored by Caritas Internationalis, the global network of national Catholic charities that include Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities USA, the initiative is meant to help all people see each other as brothers and sisters, and to help Catholics learn about who migrants and refugees are and the problems they face.
A world-wide “Week of Prayer and Action” from Oct. 7-13 will be followed by other initiatives, many aimed at helping Catholics meet and share time with refugees. Sharing a refugee or migrant’s journey, Missionary of Jesus Sister Sister Norma Pimentel told CNS, builds solidarity by helping people see the presence of God in each other.
The website,, includes a section on prayer and activities; written and video stories of migrants and refugees; educational and pastoral resources in English and Spanish; links to social media Share the Journey accounts and hashtags; and links to donation and volunteer opportunities.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will host several related events this week and has joined with the dioceses of Ohio in urging Catholics to contribute to a 10,000-letter campaign asking state representatives to vote for the Dream Act or similar legislation.