Today’s Video: Making a Difference, St. Xavier Church celebrates 200 years.
Today’s video looks back at Sunday, May 19 as St. Francis Xavier Church celebrated their 200th Anniversary as a Catholic Community.
This is a reprint from Father Patrick Fairbanks, S. J.
A JUBILEE is a time to Recall, to Remember and to Relive God’s grace and blessings in one’s life and in one’s community. The tiny seeds sown in the hearts of a few people two hundred years ago have sprouted and blossomed into a large community of faithful. The beginnings of the Catholic Church were difficult as the early community faced untold difficulties. However, the handful of men and women who embraced Christ as members of the Catholic Church stood like a rock, and built on that solid foundation to become a lively community of faith. Each one of us can be proud of our ancestors for their gift of faith.
For the Israelites, a Jubilee was a time for restoration. The land which was tilled for forty nine years was given a break to rejuvenate itself to produce more. Those who had lost ownership of land for various reasons were given back. The inequality that was created due to the greed of the people was set right. Once again, a community of equals was restored to the original state of community life. Hence, the Jubilee was a time of celebration and rejoicing. It was also a time to set things right in one’s life. What about you? During this anniversary Jubilee at St Xavier … is there something that needs to set right in your life?
Anniversaries are times to look back with gratitude and look ahead with a purpose. In the last two hundred years, the parish has accomplished much. It has grown in numbers; it has established credibility in the city and the archdiocese. It has produced missionaries both lay and religious and helped to establish churches beyond the borders.
The motto of our bicentennial year has been Remember, Rejoice and Reach Out. We have the opportunity as a parish to examine ourselves and set new priorities for the years ahead. We were also blessed during this time to consider the Four Preferences of the Society of Jesus: (1) Promoting Discernment and the Spiritual Exercises (2) Walking with the excluded (3) Caring for our common home, and (4) Journeying with youth. All these are means to achieve the purpose of our life: to praise, reverence and serve God. You can make a difference with your commitment to this renewal and revisioning.
St. Francis Xavier Church continues celebrating their 200th year with the following events:
Sunday, May 26 • 10:30 AM
MASS featuring Psalm 150 Brass Ensemble
Sunday, June 23 • 11:30 AM
“Rejoice in the Arts”
Live Celebration of Art and Music
Sunday, October 6 • 6:00 PM
Sr. Therese Gillman, OSF
Tuesday, December 3 • 6:00 PM
The Feast of St. Francis Xavier
Fr. Patrick Fairbanks, SJ
followed by the movie “Francis Xavier”