Throwback Thursday: First catechists graduate from Camina Con Cristo

The graduation of the first generation of Hispanic catechists from the archdiocese’s Latino catechetical certification program was celebrated Nov. 3 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided at the liturgy, which marked the completion of a two-and-half-year course of online study for the 16 participants in Camino Con Cristo.
Dina Beach, of the archdiocesan Office for Evangelization and Discipleship, who coordinates the program, said it forms and empowers leaders to pursue outreach, evangelization, discipleship, catechesis and many of the ministerial roles in their parishes. This is the first time the archdiocese has directly facilitated a formation program targeting the Latino and Hispanic communities, she noted.
Participants represented six countries, Beach said, – Guatemala, Peru, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, and six area faith communities – St. Leo the Great, St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Francis de Sales in Lebanon, St. Julie Billiart, and Cincinnati Hispanic Ministry at St. Charles Borromeo Church.
“They are people who deeply love their faith,” Beach said. “As catechists, they can share it in their parishes and neighborhoods, with their families and friends. They can help integrate the Hispanic community with the Anglo community. I’m really excited for them and their parishes.”
Sixty people are expected to begin in the online training in 2019, Beach said.