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Thirty graduate at Athenaeum’s spring commencement

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Photo by E L Hubbard

The Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary graduated 30 students during ceremonies May 13 in the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great on the Athenaeum campus. The degrees were conferred by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, chancellor and chairman of the board of the Athenaeum.

After the invocation by Archbishop Schnurr, Father Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh, outgoing president/rector, greeted the graduates, guests, faculty members and administrators.

The graduation address was given by Archbishop of Louisville Joseph E. Kurtz. “How delighted I am to be with you, especially you, the graduates,” the archbishop said, speaking to those gathered about the “gift of joy that tends to show up in our hearts after serving another well.”

Archbishop Kurtz made note of Pope Francis’ recent apostolic exhortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” (Rejoice and be glad), on the call to holiness in today’s world, which mentions “the saint next door” — the person who serves another humbly.

“As you go forth,” he told the graduates, “remember that your path to greatness is not a journey you take alone. “Say ‘thank you’ to Jesus that the One who has ascended to the Father has not left you orphaned. He has given you a saint next door.”

The graduates are:

Master of Arts (Catholic Studies)
Reverend Benjamin Asibuo Kusi
Isaiah Callan
Alex Dugas
Brother Michael French, CPM
Stephen Hughes
Jonathan Jergens
Michael Martin
Bradley McNeal
David Morand
Jeffrey Stephens

Master of Arts (Pastoral Ministry)
Marlene Doughman
Maria Gaviria
Michael Guarasci

Master of Arts (Theology)
Linda Bader
Nathanial Beiersdorfer
Reverend Mr. Craig Best
Reverend Mr. Jarred Kohn
Reverend Mr. Scott Perry
Reverend Dominic Tawiah
Reverend Mr. Andrew Wellmann
Reverent Mr. Jacob Willig

Master of Divinity
Reverend Mr. Robert Barnell
Reverend Mr. Craig Best
Reverend Mr. Kyle Gase
Reverend Mr. Jarred Kohn
Reverend Mr. Victor Moratin
Reverend Mr. Scott Perry
Reverend Mr. Andrew Smith
Reverend Mr. Andrew Wellmann
Reverend Mr. Jacob Willig

Graduate Certificate (Pastoral Administration)
Pamela Edwards

Non Degreed Certificate (Lay Ministry)
Carol Adams
Susan Meyer
Charles Salway
Jeanne Simonton

During the ceremony, Father Anthony Brausch was also installed as the 36th president/rector of the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary.

2018 May Graduation at the Athenaeum (Courtesy Photo)
2018 May Graduation at the Athenaeum (Courtesy Photo)
Deacon Andy Smith at the Athenauem of Ohio Graduation (Photo by EL Hubbard)
Deacon Andy Smith at the Athenauem of Ohio Graduation (Photo by EL Hubbard)
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