Posts Tagged
youth ministry
Working with Young People

Wise, witty, and shrewd was Mr. Joe Acito, my senior English teacher at Elder High School. He affectionately called me “Reverend Scalf.” I have no idea why—I was far from religious, but I guess that was his point. If, when I was in his class, you had told me that …
A Thousand Wooden Crosses

When Todd Forman began corresponding with Bill Evans of the 2nd Chance Cross ministry, he never imagined he would one day lead the program. It all started several years ago when Forman reached out to Evans to learn more about his ministry that re-purposed scrap wood into small crosses. “I’ve …
June Feature: The Secret to Success, St. Cecilia Parish attracts Young Adults and Families

by Michelle Dushensky If you have ever been to St. Cecilia Parish in Oakley, the church’s beautiful exterior and interior were probably the first things that caught your eye. But if you have attended Mass at St. Cecilia within the past three and a half years, you most likely noticed …
How quaran-teens are coping with losses and disappointments

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, May 3, 2020 / 04:58 pm MT (CNA).- Nikki Shasserre normally gets one, maybe two alerts per week from Bark, a parental monitoring app she uses to track texts and social media on her teenager’s cell phone. Bark sends Shasserre and her husband snippets of …
Today’s Video: Youth ministry’s saving power

Reyna Tinajero shares how her experience of youth ministry saved her from depression and reflects on the beauty of World Youth Day.
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Steubenville Youth Conference

Every year, some 1,200 young people from the archdiocese attend one of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s famous youth conferences. This year the Office of Youth Evangelization and Discipleship worked to get as many youth groups there as possible for the conference the weekend of July 14, when Archbishop Dennis M. …
Laudate prepares youth for roles in music ministry

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph DAYTON — Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has often quoted Pope St. John Paul II who said “‘We do not talk about young people as the church of the future, they are important to us today.” Recognizing this, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has long-sponsored Laudate.