Posts Tagged
Young Adult Ministry
Young Catholic Professionals: New Chapter Launches in Cincinnati

“A Catholic community catered around your everyday working person,” is how chapter president Patrick Macke describes Young Catholic Professionals (YCP). A few years in the making, the Cincinnati chapter of YCP launched at last in October. The local initiative was bolstered by friends and Cincinnati natives in the Columbus area, …
5 Ways to Keep Your Faith on Campus

You just graduated from high school – Congratulations! Now college is on the horizon, a time full of promise and possibility. You will learn a lot, meet interesting people, choose a career, and possibly even find your future spouse. You will also make important decisions about your faith. A recent …
College: A Cascade of Transformations

Rich with choices and newfound autonomy, many students are determined to “find themselves” in college. Our culture measures success in terms of our ability to obtain the perfect job, most prestigious title, or most glamorous relationship. College students are sold the idea that freedom means greater choice and control of …
Mass by Candlelight

The whole of St. Cecilia Church in Oakley is dark, save for hundreds of candles that light the altar. It’s the second Thursday in December, and Queen City Catholic’s Candlelight Mass is being celebrated by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. Before and during Mass both sides of the church house confession …
Lenten Reflections 2020

This year The Catholic Telegraph has reached out to those that work with Youth and Young Adult Ministries, as well as Young Adults throughout the Archdiocese for our 2020 Lenten Reflections. Thank you for reading The Catholic Telegraph’s Lenten Reflections. This same team are providing Easter Reflections, which can be …
Today’s Video: John Leyendecker speaks at SLA in Phoenix

John Leyendecker lived a prodigal lifestyle before his conversion to Catholicism in 1999. He sought fulfillment in drugs, alcohol and unchaste relationships. From that place of brokenness, John shares what Jesus Christ has done in his life. Sharing the truth of Christ and His Church in numerous venues over the …
Advent Reflections 2019

As we prepare for Christmas, enjoy the journey through Advent with these reflections by women who’s vocation is in the church. First Week of Advent Advent Reflection for December 1 – First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1-5/Romans 13-11-14/Matthew 24:37-44 Invitation to Prayer: As we begin the Advent journey, let us …
Catholic dating gets a makeover

By Mary Farrow Washington D.C., Dec 17, 2019 / 03:06 am (CNA).- It all started with a Twitter rant. A single Catholic in D.C. (CNA’s Christine Rousselle, to be exact) sounded off in personal disappointment about a speed dating event that she was attending at a local parish. Per the …
Young adults ‘on fire’ for Jesus
Thursday, July 9, 2009 By Carmen M. Hubbard ARCHDIOCESE — They’re 20- and 30-somethings who are “on fire” for Jesus. Whether young adults are busy earning their college degree, finding a full-time job, getting married or living single, their stages in life vary as much as ways to accommodate their …