Posts Tagged
Year of Saint Joseph
Percy Stricklin: Church of the Resurrection Parishioner and Father Serves as Family and Community Role Model

Keeping God first. For Percy Stricklin, that’s the key to living his vocation as a loving husband, father and committed Catholic, and it’s a choice he affirms daily. “Every morning when I wake up, I immediately focus on God,” he explained. “It sets the tone for the day. Even though …
Ways to celebrate Dad

March 19 is the Feast of St. Joseph, sometimes referred to as St. Joseph’s Day. This Feast of St. Joseph is extra special because it is also the Year of St. Joseph. With all of this St. Joseph-ness going on, it’s a great time to take a look at how …

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (March 9, 2021) – At 7:00pm on Friday March 19, the Maria Stein Shine of the Holy Relics will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph with a special feast day Mass. Traditionally, Catholics have honored the foster, or earthly, father of Jesus on this day. We meditate …
Virtual conference to focus on St. Joseph

by CNA Staff CNA Staff, Feb 24, 2021 / 03:33 pm MT (CNA).- As part of the Year of Saint Joseph called for by Pope Francis, the National Shrine of St. Joseph will host a virtual conference and rededicate the saint’s statue. The event takes place on March 19, the …
Why a new consecration to St. Joseph is spreading like wildfire

by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Dec 31, 2020 / 04:00 am MT (CNA).- One of the most prominent people in the life of Jesus Christ, St. Joseph, his foster father, is also one of the quietest. And as such, he can be one of the most overlooked people in the …
Fifteen ways to gain an indulgence in the Year of St. Joseph

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Dec 10, 2020 / 08:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis has decreed a Year of St. Joseph in which Catholics will have the opportunity to obtain a special plenary indulgence. Until December 2021, there are many new ways that Catholics can receive an indulgence, including …