Posts Tagged
Xavier University
Off to College: What’s a parent to do?

by Rebecca Sontag The days are long but the years are short,” is a well-worn truism. We’ve heard it. We’ve said it. But we haven’t truly understood it until those marathon days of parenting (in the “primary-caregiver” sense) come to an abrupt halt. Right under the noses of attentive and …
Obituaries in April

Father Leo Schloemer A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Leo Bernard Schloemer was celebrated April 3 at Our Lady of the Fields Chapel in Fairfield. Father Schloemer, 94, died March 25. He was a Glenmary Home Missioner for 67 years. A native of Cincinnati, Father Schloemer made his first …
Throwback Thursday: Lauren Hill’s story bearing fruits for DIPG research

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The bright lights of national media rarely focus on Division III college basketball, but on Nov. 2, 116 members of said media were credentialed for a Mount St. Joseph University women’s basketball game. The attention had little to do with the actual contest between …
Obituaries for March

Father Gerard J. Witsken A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Gerard J. Witsken was celebrated March 22 at St. Teresa of Avila Church. Father Witsken, 76, died Feb. 18. A native of Cincinnati’s Western Hills, Father Witsken attended St. Teresa School, Elder High School, Xavier University and Mount St. …
Obituaries for January

Sister Joan Clare Stewart A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Joan Clare Stewart was celebrated Dec. 28 in the motherhouse chapel. Sister Joan Clare, 78, died Dec. 20. She was a Sister of Charity for 59 years. A native of Detroit, Sister Joan Clare earned …
The U.S. Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus released the names of Priests subject of established allegations of sexual abuse
The U.S. Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus released the names to date of all Jesuit priests, brothers and scholastics under their jurisdiction who have been the subject of established allegations of sexual abuse against. The list includes five local priests who were involved at the Jesuit Novitiate in …
Throwback Thursday: Sister Rose Fleming

On February 28, 2019, four will be honored as Great Living Cincinnatians at the Duke Energy Convention Center. One is Sister of Notre Dame de Namur’s Rose Fleming. Today we look back at her story 5 years ago. Xavier University’s student athletes are known for their skills on the court …
Being Pro-Life: the plight of adults brought to the United States as children

“I was born dirt poor on a dirt floor. I lived in a small shack with aluminum walls and an aluminum roof. No running water, no electricity, a bed and a bucket… When I was four years old, my parents decided to come to the United States.” This is how …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Mercy

Sister Lucy Beischel, RSM (formerly Sister Mary Roderic) – 70 years A life-long resident of Cincinnati, Sister Lucy Beischelspent her first five years of ministry teaching elementary school. In 1958 she became librarian at Our Lady of Cincinnati College (Edgecliff College). In 1981 she became librarian at Mother of Mercy. …
National Black Catholic History Month honors holy men, women

National Black Catholic History month, celebrated in November, provides the opportunity to honor the holy men and women who inspire the faithful to this day. That history traces far back to the Acts of the Apostles (8:26-40), when St. Philip the Deacon converted an educated, high-level Ethiopian official in charge …