Posts Tagged
Xavier University
Obituary: Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN May 26, 1931 – January 12, 2021 “You do more good by training one good teacher than by looking after a hundred boarders.” (Saint Julie Billiart, p. 67, To Heaven on Foot) Mary Josephine D’Amico was the oldest child and only daughter in a close-knit …
Salesian Guild to honor Garbsch; host Father Reese

The Salesian Guild of Catholic Communicators of Greater Cincinnati will host its 77th annual gathering via Zoom on Sunday, Jan. 24, honoring DePaul Cristo Rey Director of Communications and Marketing Margee Garbsch as Communicator of the Year. Garbsch’s career began at WKRC-TV in Cincinnati while still enrolled as a student …
Colleen Hanycz Set to Lead Xavier University as 35th President

By Jessica Rinaudo Xavier University in Cincinnati has announced the hire of a new president – and with that appointment brings a series of firsts for the 190-year-old institution. Colleen Hanycz, PhD, is the university’s first lay person and first woman president, a role Hanycz is eager to embrace. “This …
In Profile: Dionne Partee-Johnson, Catholic community is family for Cincinnati educator

by Regan Meyer Catholic education and Cincinnati have always been a central part of Dionne Partee-Johnson’s life. Since attending elementary school at St. Joseph on Cincinnati’s West Side, she’s either been learning from Catholic educators, or teaching the next generation of students in Catholic schools. After graduating from Xavier University, …
Obituary: Reverend Thomas W. Schmidt

Reverend Thomas W. Schmidt died on July 24, 2020 in Dayton, Ohio. He was born on May 31, 1948 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received a B.S.Ed. from Edgecliff College/Xavier University, Cincinnati, a M.A.Ed. from Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, and a M.Div. from The Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati. He was ordained …
Obituary: Sister Ruth Ellen Evers, SNDdeN

Ruth Ellen once wrote, “I was blessed in life with very good women and men to love – my parents, family and friends, and the Sisters of Notre Dame.” Ruth Ellen was the youngest of four children born to her German Catholic father and Irish Catholic mother in the small …
Xavier University is planning for a return to campus for the Fall 2020 semester

ADJUSTED FALL SEMESTER SCHEDULE FOR XAVIER UNIVERSITY As we continue to follow the CDC and Federal, and State guidelines, we are planning to welcome students back to campus and to teach in-person in August. In response to the best available information, we will be shifting our semester forward to begin …
Obituary: Father Patrick M. McMullen

Father Patrick M. McMullen passed away on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 in Batavia, Ohio. He was born on March 18, 1959 in Frankfurt, Germany. He received a B.S. in Elementary Education from Xavier University, Cincinnati and a M.Div. in Theological Studies from the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of …
Two Catholic U.S. Military Chaplain Candidates Ordained Transitional Deacons

The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka and the Rev. Mr. Edward Hoffmann reach next-to-last step in formational journey toward priestly ordination CINCINNATI, OH – Two prospective Catholic U.S. Military chaplains were ordained transitional deacons on Saturday, April 25, 2020, in Cincinnati, OH. The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka, 2d Lt, USAFR, and …
Xavier University goes the extra mile to connect with students

Cincinnati (OH) – In the wake of the coronavirus, Xavier University has taken extraordinary steps to connect with every Xavier student. “It became very clear to us that we needed to act swiftly in the best interest of our students and to make resources available for students and their families,” …