Posts Tagged
Xavier University
National Men’s Conference: March 25 Event to be packed with inspiration

The National Men’s Conference is a one-day event filled with virtue, inspirational speakers, fellowship, networking and spiritual growth. Hosted in Cincinnati at Xavier University on March 25, its goal is to bring men together in faith, regardless of where they may be on their faith journey. “[The conference’s] sole mission …

Nov 2, 2022 Xavier University today announced receipt of a $50-million gift from Harry and Linda Fath. This extraordinary gift is the largest in the University’s 191-year history and will enhance Xavier’s ability to make its Jesuit Catholic education more affordable to talented students. Reclassified as a Doctoral Professional university …
Xavier receives Collegiate Purple Star for outstanding commitment to military community

CINCINNATI – Today, Ohio officially designated Xavier University as a Collegiate Purple Star campus, a program recognizing the state’s higher-education institutions that are supportive and inclusive of military-connected students. “This designation is truly an honor, one that evidences Xavier’s longstanding commitment to the military community,” said Xavier University President Colleen Hanycz, …
Obituary: Sr. Mary Lawrence Vanderburg, SFP

Vanderburg, Sr. Mary Lawrence (nee: Dorothy Louise) passed quietly into the heart of God on Monday, March 28, 2022 at the age of 96. Dorothy was born on September 25, 1925 to the late Joseph and Mary Ruth Vanderburg in Columbus, Ohio. She was the sixth of eight children, six …

CINCINNATI – Xavier University President Colleen Hanycz, PhD, announced the appointment of Rachel Chrastil, PhD, as the next Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Xavier University. “I am pleased to share that Dr. Rachel Chrastil has accepted the role of Provost and Chief Academic Officer,” Hanycz said. “Dr. Chrastil …
Unless You Become Like Little Children

Just in time for his 90th birthday in September, Jesuit Father Thomas Kennealy, SJ had another reason to celebrate: the publication of his new book about a fellow Jesuit who he describes as “one of the greatest inspirations of my life.” Unless You Become Like Little Children focuses on the …
Art & Soul

A new course at Saint Ursula Academy provides students with the opportunity not only to find meaning in the sacred, but to uncover the sacred amidst the secular. “Art and Soul: Theological Imagination” originated with Saint Ursula religion teacher Lisa Woodall after she took what she describes as an “impactful …
September 17: St. Robert Bellarmine

On Sept. 17, the Catholic Church celebrates the Italian cardinal and theologian St. Robert Bellarmine. One of the great saints of the Jesuit order, St. Robert has also been declared a Doctor of the Church and the patron of catechists. Robert Bellarmine was born on October 4, 1542 in the …
Inspiring the Future

Msgr. Martin Gilligan (1914-1993) • Ordained in 1939 in Rome, Father Martin Gilligan was “loaned” to the Archdiocese of St. Augustine, FL, before serving the U.S. Navy as a chaplain during World War II. • Following the war, Gilligan was sent to Rome to assist in the Vatican Information Service …
Hanycz Set to Lead Xavier University

Xavier University in Cincinnati has announced the hire of a new president – and with that appointment brings a series of firsts for the 190-year-old institution. Colleen Hanycz, PhD, is the university’s first lay person and first woman president, a role Hanycz is eager to embrace. “This was an opportunity …