Posts Tagged
World War II
Not Here by Accident At 100, Deacon Mike Ascolese has wisdom & service to share

At 100 years old, and after 46 years as a permanent deacon, Mike Ascolese still shares his wisdom and faith with all who meet him. As he rested on a bench in Eden Park when in his later 90s, Deacon Ascolese took in the Ohio River view while his now …
On D-Day anniversary, Pope Francis prays for men who start and prolong wars

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Jun 6, 2024 / 10:00 am Pope Francis this week prayed for men who want, start, or needlessly prolong wars, with the prayer coming ahead of the 80th anniversary of the 1944 Allied landings in Normandy. “People want peace!” the pope wrote in a June 5 …
Recalling D-Day, 80 Years Ago

Washington D.C., Jun 6, 2014 / 14:04 pm Men and women across the United States and Europe commemorated the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the events of that fateful day, June 6, 1944, which launched the major turning point in World War II. Tens of thousands of Allied forces in …
Ohio’s World War II Generation

World War II was a generational event that touched every family in the country, and for years people have shared its stories. Tipp City resident Ken Serey is the latest author to preserve this fading part of the historical record, living memory, with What’s the Story: Your Ohio Neighbors Share …
Selfless Act of Bravery: Four Chaplains Remembered at Memorial Service

Four individuals’ selfless and brave acts on a fateful day in the cold Atlantic Ocean during World War II, continue to inspire military chaplain veterans, active military and families today. When Army transport ship U.S.A.T. Dorchester sank on Feb, 3, 1943, killing 672 men, its four U.S. Navy chaplains—Lt. George …
The ‘Four Chaplains,’ selfless heroes of WWII, honored on 80th anniversary of their deaths

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Feb 6, 2023 / 14:36 pm A crowd of military veterans, their families, and Boy Scouts filled a New Jersey parish church on Sunday to honor the “Four Chaplains” — a band of men of different faiths who all sacrificed their lives to save others …
A Gift of Peace

A symbol of international friendship that is on display at Wilmington College was hand delivered by a delegation who traveled more than 11,000 miles from Nagasaki, Japan. It’s a wooden replica of a cross recovered from Nagasaki’s Urakami Cathedral after an atomic bomb destroyed the church during World War II. …
They died praying for others: Two Catholic priests martyred by Nazis beatified in Italy

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Oct 17, 2022 / 08:50 am Two Catholic priests killed by Nazis while ministering to the dying amid the Boves massacre were beatified as martyrs on Sunday in northern Italy. In the face of grave danger, Father Giuseppe Bernardi and Father Mario Ghibaudo “did not …
Father Kapaun imitated Christ’s love ‘throughout his ministry’, bishop says at funeral Mass

by CNA Staff Wichita, Kan., Sep 29, 2021 / 14:54 pm During Wednesday’s funeral Mass for Father Emil Kapaun, the Bishop of Wichita called the U.S. Army chaplain who died in a North Korean prisoner of war camp a “humble, and saintly priest.” “We come to pray for Father’s repose, …
Father Kapaun’s remains returned to Kansas

by Christine Rousselle Wichita, Kan., Sep 25, 2021 / 16:40 pm The remains of Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun returned to his hometown of Pilsen, Kansas on Saturday, ahead of his formal funeral Mass on Wednesday, Sept. 29. The arrival in Kansas marks the conclusion of a 70-year journey …