Posts Tagged
World Mission Sunday
Seniors Tackle Social Justice at Chaminade Julienne

By Susie Bergman Small groups are making a big difference at Chaminade Julienne High School (CJHS) in Dayton. The Catholic high school, founded on the Marianists and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur orders, has cultivated an atmosphere of faith in action (with a hint of good-natured competitiveness) through the …
Finding Common Ground: Twinning Parishes Break Down Distance and Cultural Barriers

By Susie Bergman Imagine boarding a plane to leave the comfort and security of your homeland to begin a mission solely focused on relationship-building with people you’ve never met. It’s a mission that will take you to places you have never experienced before, with an unfamiliar culture and a significant …

Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World Dear Brothers and Sisters, For the month of October 2019, I have asked that the whole Church revive her missionary awareness and commitment as we commemorate the centenary of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud of Pope Benedict XV …
Today’s Video: World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday was celebrated on Sunday, October 21. A Mass was held at St. Benedict the Moor Parish in Dayton.
Mission letter from Archbishop Schnurr: Young people urged to serve “least” of our brethren

Greetings Fellow Catholics in Mission, In his message for this year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis specifically invites young people who want to follow Christ, to seek, to discover and to persevere in their vocation. Observed by the Catholic Church on the penultimate Sunday of October every year, World Mission …
Nearly two hundred attended the US Catholic Mission Association in Cincinnati
By Gail Finke The nearly two hundred men, women, and students who attended the US Catholic Mission Association (USCMA) national conference in Cincinnati last month come from different areas of the world and in serve different ways, but they all agree on one thing: Mission isn’t something you do, it’s …
World Mission Sunday Mass October 23rd

The World Mission Sunday Mass was held on Oct. 23, 2016 at St. Benedict the Moor Parish in Dayton. The celebrant of the Mass was Bishop Joseph Binzer. Afterward there was a celebration of fellowship and entertainment with local Catholics from the Rwandan, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indian Syro-Malabar, Anglo, African-American, and …
By virtue of Baptism

Dear Missionary Disciples, As our Holy Father was initiating the Holy Year of Mercy, he explained that the Church must “keep alive the desire to know how to welcome the numerous signs of the tenderness which God offers to the whole world and, above all, to those who suffer, …
World Mission Sunday took place Oct. 18
Staff Report World Mission Sunday was celebrated on Oct. 18 in churches locally and across the globe.
Throwback Thursday: Supporting the missions, then and now

Staff Report This Sunday, Oct. 18, is World Mission Sunday. It is a day set aside by Pope Pius XI in 1926 for the Catholic Church to renew its commitment to being a missionary church. Today’s Throwback Thursday highlights an editorial cartoon on this very topic.