Posts Tagged
Women Religious
Obituary: Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Teresa Dutcher dies at age 74

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Nov. 10, 2023 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Teresa Dutcher died Nov. 5, 2023 at the age of 74 in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. Sister Teresa was born on Nov. 9, 1948 to Rex and Barbara (Winslow) Dutcher in Lansing, Michigan. She was the oldest …
Harrison resident makes commitment as Providence Associate

Harrison resident Linda Doyle recently deepened her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Saturday, Oct. 21, Linda made a commitment as a Providence Associate, joining 19 other 2023 associates choosing to walk more closely with the Sisters of Providence. Providence Associates are women and men …
Washington Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams invites religious sisters for ‘Ladies Night’

By Francesca Pollio Fenton Denver, Colo., Sep 8, 2023 / 13:45 pm The Washington Nationals Major League Baseball team hosted a “Ladies Night” at the ballpark on Aug. 31. Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams took it as an opportunity to invite religious women from the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, to the event. …
Why did dozens of religious sisters show up at this rural Michigan ice cream stand?

By Martin Barillas Detroit, Mich., Sep 6, 2023 / 08:30 am For some people, a refreshing ice cream treat on a scorching summer day is like a taste of heaven. All the more so perhaps if it’s in the company of dozens of joyful Catholic nuns. On Aug. 16, Merrill Dairy …
Obituary: Sister Mary Ann Mozser, CPPS

Mozser, Sister Mary Ann, 84, died peacefully Aug. 31 at Hospice of Dayton. Born in 1938 in Cleveland, Ohio, she entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio, January 14, 1956. For 67 years, she faithfully served God and His people, and her religious Congregation. A Mass of Christian …
Obituary: Sr. Marietta (Roslee) Fritz, SNDdeN

Sr. Marietta (Roslee) Fritz, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, born in Cincinnati, OH , died peacefully on August 12, 2023 at the age of 81 years, in the 60th year of her religious life. Roslee Fritz was born in 1942 into a very devout Catholic family, the third …
Oldenburg Franciscan Sisters Celebrate Jubilee

The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis will honor 8 jubilarians during a July 23rd celebration at the motherhouse in Oldenburg. Morning Prayer, the Jubilee Mass, dinner and a reception will be special events for the senior sisters. Sister Patty Campbell is being honored for 80 years in …
Obituary: Sr. Jeanne Marie Suerth, SNDdeN

Sr. Jeanne Marie Suerth, SNDdeN July 11, 1934 – July 24, 2023 Sr. Jeanne Marie Suerth (Sr. Jeanne Patricia) was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1934, the youngest of three children, and entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1953. She taught in elementary schools …
Obituary: Sister Mary Carolina “Lina” Hess, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Carolina Hess SNDdeN August 9, 1930 – July 4, 2023 “I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jeremiah 31:33) Four values were strong in the family that birthed and shaped Sister …
Sisters of the Precious Blood elect new leaders

The Sisters of the Precious Blood have elected a new leadership team: Sister Joyce Lehman, president; Sister Judy Kroeger, vice president; and Sisters Ann Clark, Marla Gipson and Terry Walter, councilors. They were elected to serve a four-year term. Formal installation of the newly elected team will take place Sunday, …