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Women Religious

The Annual Celebration of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Jubilarians took place at Queen of Apostles on the grounds of Bergamo in Dayton. Check out the photos:  

Cincinnati OH – November 7, 2019 – Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Alma Grollig (formerly Jeanne Thérèse), died October 20, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, at the age of 87. A native of Cincinnati, OH, she was in her 68th year of religious life. Sister Alma taught grades three through …

By Judy Back Gerwe To my great privilege, the leadership team of the Ohio Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur invited me to attend a pilgrimage where the foundress of the order, St. Julie Billiart, worked and lived. There were nine of us who took part in …

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – October 18, 2019 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Cheryl Ann Grenier died Oct. 13, 2019, at the age of 72 in Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity. Sister Cheryl Ann was born on Sept. 15, 1947 to Noble and Delores …

By Rebecca Sontag On the northern rim of the Amazon Rainforest flows a massive and wide river with brown and muddied waters, the Oyapock. On one side of the river is the Brazilian town of Oiapoque, and on the other side is French Guiana. The locals just call it France. …

Two Sisters of Charity instrumental in the founding of DePaul Cristo Rey High School have been recognized with the school’s Founders Leadership Award. Sister Barbara Hagedorn, SC, and Sister Catherine Kirby, SC, were honored during DPCR’s annual Founders Day Mass on September 27. The Founders Leadership Award honors a person …

Sister Monica McGloin, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Hope died in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 2, 2019 at the age of 78. The daughter of the late John and Theresa (Torpey) McGloin, she was born January 4, 1941 in New York City. Sister Monica entered the novitiate of the …

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Oct.7, 2019– Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Catherine Cahur died Sept. 22, 2019, at the age of 82 in San Francisco, California. Sister Cathy was born March 8, 1937 to Benjamin and Eleanor (Grams) Cahur in Cleveland, Ohio. She was a Sister of Charity for 64 …

Sister Eileen Therese Breslin , SC Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Eileen Therese Breslin died Aug. 23, 2019, at the age of 103. Sister Eileen Therese was born Mary Breslin on June 4, 1916, to John Andrew and Martha Breslin in Maysville, KY. She was given the name Eileen Therese …

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Sept. 10, 2019 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Joan Groff died Sept. 2, 2019, at the age of 90 at Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. Sister Joan was born on Nov. 9, 1928, to Ralph L. and Alvera (Ruther) Groff in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was a …