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Women Religious

Although Ardis Weseman was born and baptized in Wisconsin, she lived most of her childhood in Chicago, Illinois. There she attended public school for seven years and finished her elementary education at St. Genevieve Parish School. Ardis was confirmed at St. Genevieve Parish in 1943. With other young women from …

Sister Anne Cecilia took to like a duck to water. Small wonder! Her life was well grounded in a wide network of well cultivated roots. Take, for example, her affection for the town of her birth, Washington, DC. She delighted in calling it by its playful nickname, Swampoodle, and was …

Sarah Joyce was just 18 when she left her “father’s house” for the “new land” of Notre Dame at Ilchester, MD. As we’ve just seen, she “never planned beyond ‘entering.’” She counted on the God of Abraham (and, let’s not forget, the God of Sarah, as well) to show her …

Ruth Ellen once wrote, “I was blessed in life with very good women and men to love – my parents, family and friends, and the Sisters of Notre Dame.” Ruth Ellen was the youngest of four children born to her German Catholic father and Irish Catholic mother in the small …

CNA Staff, Jun 18, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- Sister Thea Bowman was the granddaughter of a slave, an advocate for racial justice, and the first African American woman to address the U.S. bishops’ conference. Two years ago, her sainthood cause was opened. “She was an outstanding teacher and …

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 12, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- As thousands of protesters prepared to march against racism in Washington, D.C. last Saturday, Louis Brown helped organize a rosary procession on Capitol Hill. Lay Catholics joined Dominican friars, nuns, and priests of the Washington archdiocese …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU It’s a long way from Ohio to the Amazon rain forest, but a young woman from Dayton courageously followed her heart and answered God’s call to become a missionary and outspoken advocate for the poor and the environment. This would ultimately lead to her death at …

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Jun 8, 2020 / 06:01 pm MT (CNA).- A community of Dominican nuns in Hawaii is shaken but hopeful after a burglar broke into their convent last week and stole a minivan that the nuns use for their ministry. “It was still a good running …

CNA Staff, Jun 8, 2020 / 04:15 pm MT (CNA).- The GIVEN Institute has announced a free online event “Discover the Gift,” seeking to empower women to realize their worth and unique gifts. The event by the group, which works to foster leadership in young Catholic women, was made after …

Covington, KY, May 2020— In the mid ‘90s, a group from the Sisters of Notre Dame left behind everything they knew and travelled over 7,000 miles to a place where they didn’t know the language or culture. Their mission? To build a school from the ground up and spread God’s …