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Goal to do God’s will leads Bishop to become a priest
From the May 2013 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Deacon Jerome “Jerry” Bishop believes men are still being called by God to the priesthood, just that they’re more reluctant to respond. In the case of his impending ordination, it’s a case of better …
The Catholic Moment: The pillars of formation for today’s priests
Back when I was in the college seminary and the vocation director would visit, I was always a bit skeptical of his noticing that ‘we (seminarians) have grown so much’ since the time of his last visit. I could notice some growth that we were going through, but was never …
Ignore ‘prophets of doom’ predicting end of religious life, pope says

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI asked nuns, brothers and priests not to listen to the “prophets of doom” who say that consecrated life has no future or that it has no meaning in today’s world. “Do not join the prophets of doom …
World Day for Consecrated Life is February 2
In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in the consecrated life. In Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II describes various forms of the consecrated life: the monastic life in the East and West, the Order of Virgins, Institutes completely devoted to contemplation, …
Phuong Mai Dong Welcomed as Sisters of Mercy Candidate
By Sister Victoria Vondenberger On Aug. 4, the Sisters of Mercy welcomed Phuong (pronounced “Fong”) Mai Dong as a candidate for the Mercy South Central Community. About 60 Mercy Sisters, Associates and some of her family members attended the prayer service in Cincinnati at McAuley Convent. Phuong, 22, is a …
Annual Mass Honors Religious Jubilarians
Sisters, brothers and priests from throughout the archdiocese who celebrated jubilees in 2012 came together for an annual Mass in their honor at Mount Notre Dame in Cincinnati Oct. 27. Eighty-four jubilarians were invited to participate in the Mass and lunch that followed, and 32 were able to do so. …
Andrew Dinners slated for fall
Friday, June 11, 2010 ARCHDIOCESE — Three Andrew Dinners, events for young men to hear a presentation by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr on vocations, have been scheduled for this fall: Oct. 13 at Holy Trinity Parish in Coldwater; Oct. 20 in Cincinnati; and Nov. 3 at Incarnation Parish in Centerville.