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The Barga Brotherhood

By Susie Bergman In North Star, OH, nestled on the border of Mercer and Darke Counties, a strong lineage of brotherly vocations continues to emerge. This one-church, one-stoplight town is home to only 229 residents, but many could argue that the Barga (pronounced Bar-gee) family makes up most of them. …
Obituary: Father Angelo Caserta

It was announced this morning at our Piqua Parishes, St. Boniface and St. Mary, that Father Angelo Caserta has passed away. Father Angelo Caserta celebrated his 100th birthday in December. Father Angelo was born in Piqua Ohio and attended Saint Boniface school. He was ordained on February 24, 1945. Funeral …
Running with the Knights for Vocations

by Susie Bergman Every runner knows that the act of running a race is not without difficulties and challenges. There are things that can trip them up, or even slow them down, along the way. Good runners need proper training, endurance and discipline. The same can also be said for …
Memphis Poor Clares join Cincinnati Monastery of St. Clare

The Cincinnati Poor Clares have recently welcomed two of their Memphis Sisters to their community. “This has been a 14-month process with our Memphis Sisters, and we are blessed to have Sr. Alma and Sr. Anthony as part of our Cincinnati community. They are settling in and getting to know …
Chance Encounter Leads to Vocation

By John Stegeman When 21-year-old math and secondary education major Aaron Wessman would clean the halls of the theology department at St. John’s University, a certain priest would often be in the way. Time after time, young man and the priest met in the hallways, and eventually, the seed of …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

All God-given vocations are important. That is why God gives them! Our archdiocesan Prayer for Vocations specifically mentions the vocational call to a chaste single life “and faithful husbands and wives, who are a sign of Christ’s love for His Church.” The Vocations page on our archdiocesan website ( also …
Editor’s Note: Called for a Purpose

In the many years I’ve been an editor for Catholic publications, the way all the stories and columns in a given issue line up to support one another still never ceases to amaze me. Yes, some of that is planning and assigning particular stories, but often the stories find us …
Join the Novena and Meet our 9 new Archdiocesan Priest

On May 18, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the historic ordination of nine men to the priesthood! Deacons Alex Biroymumeisho, Mark Bredestege, Zachary Cecil, Christian Cone-Lombarte, Ambrose Dobroszi, Andrew Hess, Elias Mwesigye, Jeffrey Stegbauer, and Jedidiah Tritle have spent many years studying, discerning, and serving in preparation for this …
Vocations Calendar for March/April

Friday, March 15, 2019 – Sunday, March 17, 2019 Called to Love Vocation Retreat Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker in Walton KY Young women ages 18 – 32 For more information go to Text/Call Sister Patricia Dean, SJW, Vocation Director at (859) 912-4405 Friday, March 15, 2019 – …
Eighteen Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders

The Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer publically accepted the aspirants into the ranks of the candidates for Holy Orders during Mass held at the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great December 8. Family, friends, and members of the Athenaeum community were present for celebration of the Mass and Rite held …