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Syracuse bishop revives Ember Days, calls for prayer and fasting for vocations

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Dec 18, 2020 / 12:01 pm MT (CNA).- In a revival of an historic custom of the Church, Bishop Douglas Lucia of Syracuse has invited Catholics of his diocese to participate in the Ember Days, traditional days of fasting and prayer, for the intention of …
Catholic diocese in Vietnam builds new seminary amid rising vocations

By Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Oct 2, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- A diocese in northern Vietnam is expanding its seminary in response to an increasing number of priestly vocations. Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Vietnamese diocese of Thái Bình will be able to house 200 to 300 …
Hungry for More: Dayton Native Prepares to Enter the Dominican Sisters of Mary

by Eileen Connelly, OSU There is much joy and a certain sense of peace that accompany following God’s will for us. This was how Karen Izor felt as she prepared to enter the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist on Aug. 22, along with 17 other young women …
Father David Doseck: Eaton Priest’s Vocation Formed & Forged by Childhood Examples

by Mark Danis Father David Doseck remembers knowing as a child that Jesus Christ was a real person. He also knew Jesus loved him. Today, encountering love is the heart of this busy priest’s lifelong vocation. Father Doseck is the Pastor of St. Mary Church in Camden, St. John Church …
Brother David Henley: Buckeye-State Brother Hopes Others Will Answer Call

by John Stegeman When David Henley graduated high school, he suspected he had a calling, but first he had to figure out where God wanted him. He joined a diocesan discernment group and began exploring. It wasn’t long until he first encountered the Glenmary Home Missioners, but still there were …
Vocations Calendar

Explore your Call An introductory Vocational Dinner and Discussion Wednesday, February 19, 2020: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Holy Cross Catholic Church, 1924 Leo St., Dayton 45404 All 18-35 year old men and women who are mildly curious or seriously discerning consecrated life are invited Retreats at St. Cecilia …
KC priest Harkins remembered as a ‘good man and a good priest’

Kansas City, Mo., Jan 28, 2020 / 09:31 pm (CNA).- Catholics in Missouri and across the country remembered Fr. Evan Harkins Tuesday as a good priest, and urged prayer for the repose of his soul. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph announced the priest’s death on Jan. 28. Harkins “had …
Obituary: Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Julia Mary Deiters dies at age 93

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – Jan. 28, 2020 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Julia Mary Deiters died Jan. 24, 2020 at the age of 93 in Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity. Sister Julia Mary was born Rosemary Julia Deiters on March 16, 1926, to …
Today’s Video: Father Casey looks at good news and bad news.

In Today’s Video, Father Casey Cole talks about his unique situation as a new priest: which brings good news and bad news and what we are facing in vocations in the 21st century. Father Casey’s Good News: Father Casey’s Bad News: In times like these we do need to pray …
Obituary: Sister Marie Shields, SNDdeN

Cincinnati OH – January 7, 2020 – Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Marie Shields died December 31, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, at the age of 81. A native of Chicago, IL, she was in her 64th year of religious life. In 1958, Sister Marie began 14 years of teaching …