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Today’s Video: The Virtue That Takes Virtue to the Next Level

Father Mike introduces us to the virtue that makes other virtues excellent: magnanimity. If someone asked you what the most essential virtues are, you might say humility, faith, hope, or love. But have you ever heard of the virtue of magnanimity? What this virtue does is it magnifies—or makes greater—other …
Today’s Video: How to Handle Spiritual Setbacks

After reading a book on will power, Fr. Mike discovered an important lesson when it comes to how we handle spiritual setbacks. So let’s not give up when we fall into sin, but keep our eyes on heaven and God’s grace and live accordingly.
Today’s Video: Busy Is Not A Virtue

So often we measure the worth of our day based on how busy we were. As disciples of Christ, it’s not about being busy, it’s about being busy with the mission.