Posts Tagged
USCCB meeting
Bishops reject funding hike for USCCB, for now

By Matt Hadro Baltimore, Md., Nov 11, 2019 / 02:15 pm (CNA).- A proposed increase in diocesan payments to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has failed to attract sufficient support among the bishops on Monday, the first day of their annual general assembly in Baltimore. Diocesan and eparchial …
Cardinal DiNardo to US bishops: Avoid despair, presumption in addressing abuse crisis

By Ed Condon Baltimore, Md., Nov 12, 2018 / 08:34 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Daniel DiNardo opened the fall assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) with a speech calling for bishops to avoid the two temptations of “despair and presumption” as they address the sexual abuse scandals …
Celiac disease, health care, exorcism book on agenda for bishops’ meeting
CNA/EWTN News The reception of Communion by those with Celiac Disease, avoiding cooperation with evil in health care partnerships, and a possible English translation of an exorcism ritual book are among the topics to be discussed by the U.S. bishops at their fall meeting next week. The U.S. Conference of …