Posts Tagged
USCCB general assembly
A message from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Dear Friends in Christ, As you may know the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) gathered in Baltimore for our fall Plenary Assembly. We looked forward with great anticipation to the opportunity to take further steps to eradicate the grave evil of sexual abuse from our Church, in particular …
Vatican asks USCCB to delay vote on sex abuse response proposals

By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service BALTIMORE (CNS) — At the urging of the Vatican, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will not vote on two proposals they were to discuss regarding their response to the clergy sex abuse crisis. Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, USCCB president, informed the …
Cardinal DiNardo to US bishops: Avoid despair, presumption in addressing abuse crisis

By Ed Condon Baltimore, Md., Nov 12, 2018 / 08:34 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Daniel DiNardo opened the fall assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) with a speech calling for bishops to avoid the two temptations of “despair and presumption” as they address the sexual abuse scandals …
A letter to the faithful

October 30, 2018 Dear Parishioners: The U.S. bishops are joining together in a commitment of prayer and reparation leading up to the bishops’ general assembly, where we will be making critical decisions in response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis. With our brother bishops across the nation, we will be …
Bishops OK budget figures for 2018, diocesan assessment hike for 2019

By Mark Pattison BALTIMORE (CNS) — The U.S. bishops approved the budget for their restricted and unrestricted funds for 2018 in a 125-4 vote, with three abstentions. Passage required a majority of members present. They also narrowly approved a 3 percent increase in the diocesan assessment for 2019 by a …
USCCB General Assembly: What you need to know

CNS Reports The bishops of the United States, including Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati Joseph R. Binzer, are gathered in St. Louis, Mo. for their spring general assembly. The meeting, which began June 10 wraps up today. Below are highlights from the meetings thus far. U.S. bishops’ spring assembly opens with …