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University of Dayton

Sister Irene Holz CPPS. Holz, Sister Irene, 92, died peacefully on April 6 at Hospice of Dayton. She was born March 1928 in Cleveland, OH, and entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, OH, February 14, 1957. She faithfully served God’s people for 63 yrs. in Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, …

DAYTON, Ohio — University of Dayton faculty donated more than 10,000 gloves, 500 face masks and 100 coverall garments to healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I think this effort shows how giving something, even if it’s a small amount, can help, and it empowers people to …

The bell tower at UD's Immaculate Conception Chapel stands vigil over Christmas at UD (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
by John LeComte Pope Saint John Paul II ‘s Apostolic Letter for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, Novo Millennio Ineunte, in which he called the Church to “put out into the deep” (Lk 5:4) was the inspiration for founding the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith …

by Eileen Connelly, OSU “May God grant me the grace, humility, and courage to be a servant to others.” With that prayer on her lips and in her heart, Jillian Foster departed for Haiti on Jan. 12 to begin a three-and-half year assignment as a Maryknoll lay missioner. Foster, a …

by Gail Finke The University of Dayton’s Christmas on Campus may be the country’s largest single-day campus service activity. Students work for months to plan and raise money, then spend a week decorating. The campus-wide event is held on or near the university’s titular feast of the Immaculate Conception, and …

DAYTON, Ohio – After completing a thorough search process, Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School is pleased to announce Greg Mueller, who was named acting principal earlier this fall, has accepted the role of principal at CJ. “I am humbled and honored to accept the position of principal at Chaminade Julienne …

Saturday, November 16, 8:30 a.m. Catholic Black History Month Reflection Day Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Brown “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” – Leadership for the Black Community: Characteristics and Complexities Church of the Resurrection 1619 California Avenue, Cincinnati Registration: [email protected] Saturday, November 16, 2 p.m. Catholic Black History Month …

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr Tours Tornado Damage in Dayton; Meets with Catholic Social Services Story and photos by Jessica Rinaudo It was a somber day walking into the offices of Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) in Dayton. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr was there to visit and hear the stories …

The Dayton community and the archdiocese as a whole were rocked by the news of a mass shooting in the downtown Oregon district on August 4, less than 24 hours after another mass shooting in El Paso, TX. The gunman, who was armed with an assault rifle and additional magazines, …