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To Russia with Love

by Matt Hess Bill Fuller, Missions Committee President at Holy Angels in Sidney, knows that while things have been less active the past year and half due to the pandemic, the committee who coordinates the parish’s mission twinning efforts is ready to get their parish excited again to help their …
Ohio and Uganda: Liberty Township Parish Forms Relationship with African Parish & School

by Regan Meyer Liberty Township, OH, and Soroti, Uganda, are worlds apart, but a twinning ministry between St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in Ohio and St. Patrick parish in Uganda has shown that distance and language are hardly barriers when it comes to the love of Christ. It all started when …
Global Solidarity: Versailles Communities Support Indigenous People Across the Globe

by Susie Bergman Twinning allows parish communities to connect the commonality of our faith across borders, various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. These relationships allow parishes from all over the globe to embrace and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ through virtual and in-person development. For more than a decade, …
Paddling Together: Our Twinning Parishes

TWINNING PARISHES 2020 All Saints, Cincinnati – Holy Land Outreach to Promote Education, Palestine Ascension,Dayton – Neustra Senora de La Luz, Peru Fort Recovery Cluster Parish Cluster & St. Anthony, Cold Water Cluster – Precious Blood Sisters and the Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Guatemala Guardian …
Twinning: Ohio and Mexico

For more than 55 years, Precious Blood Sister Carmelita Monnin joyfully served in Santiago, Chili. Her ministry inspired her niece and goddaughter Jane Pierron, pastoral associate for RCIA and adult programs at Immaculate Conception, Holy Family, and St. Denis parishes. “I just felt like I needed to live out her …
Twinning: Cincinnati and Madagascar “This is seeing the body of Christ in a completely different fashion”

In 1999, Divine Providence Sister Francis Maag, visited Madagascar as a representative of her religious community. She returned with a dream. A long-time school principal, Sister Francis was then director of religious education at St. Therese Little Flower Parish in Mount Airy. She was moved by the enthusiasm of the …
Mission special on parish twinning: Ohio and Mexico

“We fell in love with the people and the community” By Eileen Connelly, OSU For more than 55 years, Precious Blood Sister Carmelita Monnin joyfully served in Santiago, Chili. Her ministry inspired her niece and goddaughter Jane Pierron, pastoral associate for RCIA and adult programs at Immaculate Conception, Holy Family, …
From the Mountains to the Sea Saturday Luncheon at IHM
Celebrate the cultures of Immaculate Heart of Mary’s twinning communities. Enjoy their cuisine, music, and crafts, and meet the people from The Cultural Center of Batahola Norte and Our Lady of the Mountains, and find out how you can help them. Event will be held twice, Friday and Saturday, with different live entertainment …
From the Mountains to the Sea Friday Luncheon at IHM
Celebrate the cultures of Immaculate Heart of Mary’s twinning communities. Enjoy their cuisine, music, and crafts, and meet the people from The Cultural Center of Batahola Norte and Our Lady of the Mountains, and find out how you can help them. Event will be held twice, Friday and Saturday, with different live entertainment …
Piqua parishes celebrate twinning relationship

Although he serves as pastor for St. John and St. Lewis Parish in Portsmouth on the picturesque island of Dominica, Father Herman Sharplis has discovered a “home away from home” in Piqua, where he recently concluded a whirlwind visit with parishioners of twinning parishes at St. Mary and St. Boniface …