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Today’s Video: An overview of Pope Francis’ Triduum celebrations in Rome.

Today’s video looks at Pope Francis’ Triduum celebrations in Rome:
The sacred triduum: Holy Thursday through Easter

The Paschal Triduum is a three-day period beginning with Holy Thursday evening and culminating in the celebration of Easter. According to the General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, the Triduum, which means three days, goes from Thursday evening with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper until Evening Prayer on …
The Triduum is underway

Staff Report Beginning tonight and continuing through evening Easter Sunday, the Triduum is the summit of the liturgical year. More Triddum-related stories Good Friday collection to benefit Middle East Christians Archdiocese, cathedral mark Holy Week, Easter Priest encourages faithful to “Wear the Wood” on Good Friday Tradition of Praying of …
Holy Saturday: A selection of prayers

Staff Report On the topic of Holy Saturday, the USCCB Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments says “On Holy Saturday, the Church pauses at the Lord’s tomb, meditating his Passion and Death, his descent into Hell, and, with prayer and fasting, awaits his resurrection. “Popular piety should …
Good Friday: A selection of prayers

Staff Report Good Friday is the day when sacred tradition claims that Jesus endured his passion on the cross. According to the USCCB, “The Church celebrates the redemptive death of Christ on Good Friday. The Church meditates on the Lord’s Passion in the afternoon liturgical action, in which she prays …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati to mark Holy Week (Schedule of Events)
Press Release The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati will join Christians throughout the world in celebrating Holy Week, the most sacred time of the Church year, beginning with Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) March 24. The culmination of that week is known as the Triduum — a period of roughly 72 …