Posts Tagged
Travel and Faith
A Mountain Top View

On a mountainside in rural West Virginia, the contingency of Mount Notre Dame High School girls made their way from the Big Laurel Learning Center’s large, rambling “main house” down to the woodshed. As two unbothered horses looked on, the gregarious man known as “Angel’s Dad” greeted the students with …
Make a Holy Hour Part of Your Day Trip

BY GAIL DEIBLER FINKE The ancient practice of Eucharistic Adoration is founded in the desire to sit with, contemplate and pray in the presence of the Body and Blood of Christ outside of Mass. Many churches open their doors weekly or monthly for people to pray before the tabernacle, where …
God Reveals His Glories

I’m an aspiring world traveler. In 2018 I ached to just go: hop on a plane bound for somewhere I had never been to become steeped in a foreign experience. I wanted to see more of God’s creation than offered by my backyard. But beyond that, I wanted to discover …
Book Review: Tales of Faith

Every human and community experiences social maladies. American culture has long displayed symptoms of these pathologies—and American Christianity along with it. From susceptibility to conspiracy theories, vulgar aesthetic taste, avarice, smugness, partisanship, indifference to human suffering: Christians often showed themselves as spiritually unprepared as everyone else. Our imaginations need rescue, …
At The End of the Santa Fe Trail

by Patircia McGeever On a rainy Friday night in March, nearly 500 people gathered in Mater Dei Chapel at Mount St. Joseph University to watch a free screening of the movie At the End of the Santa Fe Trail. It depicts key moments in the life of legendary Sister of …
Rwandan Partnership

For current and former parishioners of Holy Angels Church in Dayton, the idea to share love and compassion with people overseas sprouted when the parish’s Twinning Committee formed in 2012. Committee members then decided on a twinning relationship with a parish in Rwanda. “There are Holy Angels parishioners who are …
Carroll on the Go

Through its Carroll on the Go program, Carroll High School in Dayton offers travel abroad to its students. Beth Branum, Carroll’s World Languages Department Chair and an EF Tours trainer, oversees the program that typically schedules annual trips over spring break for seven to eleven days. “Eighth grade parents and …
Care for Creation

What is the Church’s perspective on caring for the earth? The Church’s social teaching includes the principle that humans are called to be stewards of creation. This is rooted in an understanding found in the Book of Genesis that everything God creates is good. Our stewardship is a participation in …
Scholarships in Soyapango

article by KARY ELLEN BERGER | photos DEACON DON MEYER In El Salvador, nearly 3,000 miles from Cincinnati, is a municipality called Soyapango. While few people locally have heard of it, many from that community know of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. More precisely, they know of St. John the Baptist …
The Plight of the Reluctant Traveler

Elsewhere in this The Catholic Telegraph issue, reporters and columnists celebrate various joys of travel. Travel opens new vistas, enriching our moral, spiritual and intellectual lives through experiences with natural wonders, architectural feats, and vibrant new cultures. Tourism is also a lucrative enterprise for “destination locations,” which encourage and accommodate …