Posts Tagged
Transfiguration Center
Spiritual Centers: Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal

Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal 3505 Calumet Rd., Ludlow Falls, 45339 Along the Stillwater River, you find the Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal. This property boasts entities that include the Transfiguration Center for Spiritual Renewal, Elijah House, Melchizedek Village, Tabor Lodge for Priests and the River Ridge Nature Preserve. …
The Resilience of the Holy Cross Tornado Destruction Transformed Into Sign of Hope

by Mark Danis The one thing the six elderly priests considered more difficult than carrying a wheelchairbound man down a flight of stairs was attempting to do so against his will. The 89-year-old Father John made it clear he was not going to be moved to the basement of Tabor …