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Theology of the Body

This article is the second in a series of reflections on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” In Theology of the Body (TOB), Pope St. Pope John Paul II sought to answer difficult, contemporary questions pertaining to marriage and sexual ethics. However, in order to do so, …

by John Stegeman Genesis, the book of the Bible, is a story of beginnings. Taking its cue from there, GENESIS, a one-day retreat for engaged couples, hopes to get Catholic marriages off to a healthy and holy start. GENESIS is a marriage preparation retreat unique to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. …

Written by Debbie Staresinic Many who are familiar with Theology of the Body (TOB) know that St. John Paul II identified the problem with the modern world as a fundamental lack of understanding of the meaning and purpose of the human person. Said differently, if we don’t know who we …

May is an exciting time for Catholics. Many children will continue their lifelong journey with Jesus as they receive Him in the Eucharist for the first time. May is also recognized by the Church as Mary’s month. It seems fitting for children to receive their First Holy Communion during a …

By Gail Finke Hundreds of people traveled from across the country to Cincinnati, many with large families in tow, for the Couple to Couple League’s conference on the 50thanniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on birth control. Now lauded as prophetic by many conservatives and social scientists, the encyclical titled …

Although Debbie Staresinic worked with a professional designer from Faith and Family Productions for her new book of rosary meditations, she has a background in design and photography. That training helped her do her part to market the book with daily Instagram posts that feature artful photos of the book …

From the rosary to Theology of the Body, and back By Gail Finke The connection between the rosary and St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB) seemed so clear to Debbie Staresinic that every few months, she searched for a book of TOB rosary meditations. When the …

A popular misunderstanding holds that “Theology of the Body” programs in Catholic schools represents little more than sex education with a religious gloss. Father Thomas Wray, director of the archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, is happy to dispel that notion. “Theology of the Body is a view of the …

Students in Lisa Fletcher’s seventh and eighth grade religion classes at St. Margaret of York School in Loveland earn the grades, but their parents get an education, too. The topics range from learning about Jesus as a human being, to what should you do if someone sexts you. The class …

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 By Father Earl Fernandes I was delighted to read, “Local Ruah Woods to offer Theology of the Body programs,” in The Catholic Telegraph. The establishment of such a center is timely and necessary. Last November, the Notre Dame Center for Ethics in Culture sponsored a conference …