Posts Tagged
The Summit Country Day School
School News: Summit 7th graders participate in community service project

As part of Habitat for Humanity’s Rock the Block event, 10 seventh graders from The Summit Country Day School participated in a day of service to bring enhancements to underserved areas of our community. They spent a full day over the weekend, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., working in a West End neighborhood. …
School News: A teacher for the ages

Mrs. Mary Humpert is finishing her 44th year of teaching in Summit’s Montessori program If you were to describe the ideal teacher for young children, you might think of someone who loves to make her students feel valued and safe, who is dedicated to their growth and learning, who has …
School News: Head of school at The Summit announces retirement plans

After more than 12 years leading The Summit Country Day School community, Head of School Rich Wilson will retire in June 2022. The board of trustees has named a senior member of the school’s leadership team, Kelley Schiess, as Wilson’s successor. Schiess currently serves as the Assistant Head of School …
Obituary: Sister Joyce Hoben SNDdeN

Ancestors of Joyce Hoben moved from Maryland to Kentucky in the 1790s and early 1800’s. There, they put down deep roots and helped build up the Catholic faith. Both of Joyce’s parents were well educated and skilled in music and literature. Joyce was the youngest of the Hoben’s seven children, …
Obituary: Sister Adrienne Weseman SNDdeN

Although Ardis Weseman was born and baptized in Wisconsin, she lived most of her childhood in Chicago, Illinois. There she attended public school for seven years and finished her elementary education at St. Genevieve Parish School. Ardis was confirmed at St. Genevieve Parish in 1943. With other young women from …
Summit community responds to call to help Northside school

What started out as a reflective prayer during a virtual meeting May 12 among members of The Summit Country Day School community ended up as a schoolwide service project to benefit St. Boniface School in Northside. After putting out the call to The Summit community, families brought in hundreds of …
Samantha England: A Portrait of Perseverance Summit Country Day Teacher Educates While Battling Cancer

By Rebecca Sontag There are a thousand excuses for not making your own artwork. But the kids love to see what you can do. It brings a level of authenticity to your classroom also. The whole thing just worked out amazingly.” –Samantha England Samantha England had more than a thousand …
Obituaries for September

Sister Eileen Therese Breslin , SC Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Eileen Therese Breslin died Aug. 23, 2019, at the age of 103. Sister Eileen Therese was born Mary Breslin on June 4, 1916, to John Andrew and Martha Breslin in Maysville, KY. She was given the name Eileen Therese …
Meet Summit Country Day Graduate Nick Nazzaro

Summit grad advocates for mental health issues Nick Nazzaro used his faith and personal experience to touch the lives of other students during his time at The Summit Country Day School. Nazzaro, who hails from All Saints Parish, came to Summit at the encouragement of select baseball teammates. Over the …
Obituaries for February

Sister Janet Hughes A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Janet Hughes was celebrated Jan. 23 in St. Julie Chapel at Mount Notre Dame convent in Cincinnati. Sister Janet, 88, died Jan. 17. She was in her 64th year of religious life. For nearly 20 …