Posts Tagged
The Mass
Seek the Lord for February 2023

On the eve of His passion and death, Jesus took ordinary bread and wine, blessed them, and gave them to His friends as His Body and Blood commanding, “Do this in memory of me.” The next day He offered Himself – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – to God the …

by Dominick Albano It’s hard to imagine a heartbreak worse than losing a child. When a young Catholic speaker gave a Lenten parish mission, he shared with the audience his dreams for his children. “I pray that they will be happy, healthy and, most importantly, holy.” After the talk, a …
Lay Perspective: Celebrating the Mass in the Year of Faith
By Greg Hartman The time we spend at Mass equals 2.375 full days, which doesn’t even register as a full one percent of the year. It’s easy to get caught up in our daily anxieties and sometimes it’s difficult to focus in that short period. We can drift through Mass …