Posts Tagged
The Final Word
What are we Waiting For?
Advent is a time of waiting, but what are we waiting for? Jesus the Incarnate Word of God has already come into the world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (Jn. …
I’ve got the Joy down in my heart
When I was a little girl, my sister and I sang the children’s Bible school song lyrics: “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” We sang it with complete abandon, at full volume, with our heads thrown back. We meant it and felt it. As the …
The Future Church
Our Church celebrates World Mission Month in October; but mission is not just the Church’s focus—it is the Church’s future. Of the 1.4 billion Catholics in the world, 48% are in the Americas, with 28% living in South America. Membership in the Church is increasing, with Africa leading the way. …
By Right and Duty: Fostering Faith
There are thousands of tips and techniques out there for all aspects of parenting. But the single most important one gives meaning and purpose to the joys and struggles of everyday life: eternal salvation! God has given us charge over our children for His good purpose; namely, to teach them …
Extra Love & Joy An Unexpected Diagnosis and a Beautiful Blessing
“Do you want to test for Down syndrome?” My doctor posed this question to me in the fall of 2017. I was newly pregnant with our second child. My husband, Tim, and I already had a little girl, Lucy, and we were excited to add another child to the mix. …
In Service of Love
My Dear Friends in Christ, When I was about 11-years-old, the television show MASH had its series finale, entitled, “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.” Jessica Rinaudo, the editor of The Catholic Telegraph, graciously allowed me to write one last column – without a word limit. Those of you who know me …
Acts of Devotion: Dedication to the Mother of God
We must never lose sight of the basics of our faith. Faith in Jesus Christ, prayer and devotion are about as basic as you get. Religious devotions are little “snacks” for our souls so we can make it through the day with the help of the Lord, His Blessed Mother …
Care for Creation Nature & Society’s Relationship
Some years ago, St. Pope John Paul II named St. Francis of Assisi the patron of ecology, which inspired the Franciscans to add “Care for Creation” to our commissions of peace and justice. It is also a great reminder that our gardens’ St. Francis statues are a sign of this …
A Few Notes on Sculpting Time
I’m a filmmaker by trade and philosopher by degree, thus I often procrastinate. One favorite procrastination method is mulling the question: What is the Catholic artist’s call — particularly the Catholic filmmaker— in society? Or rather, what is the filmmaker’s call, considering the call of Christians? When someone expresses a …
The Final Word: St. Michael School Saved my Life
Like many, when I graduated from Georgetown High School in 1994 I never imagined my life would turn out the way it has. Headed to Ohio State University, my future was full of possibilities. Unfortunately, faith was not on the top of that list, my interests then being primarily material. …