Posts Tagged
The Final Word
Bengals Nation Catholics
We are primed for another season as the defending AFC North Champions, which makes this a natural moment to review the perennially confusing question: can we really “pray for a Bengals win?” As the Cincinnati Bengals Catholic Chaplain, my answer regarding prayers for sports teams is “that depends on your …
If They Only Knew
About a year ago I applied for a grant to help my fledgling magazine, Embodied, that is grounded in Pope St. John Paul II’s writings about the human person. I was struck by one question: “For whom does your heart break?” This brought an immediate wave of deep sadness, but …
Stepping Into a New School Year
JOY! With each new school year, possibility abounds as we open our hearts and minds to the mission of Catholic education for the students, families and communities we serve. With joyful hearts, guiding faith and unwavering dedication, our teachers, school leaders and communities embrace our collective mission to Radiate Christ. …
My Long Stateless Status
Born in a remote village in Bhutan, a small country sandwiched between two big countries—China in the north and India—I completed my primary education at Dorokha Primary School, a 40 minute walk from my home. In 1990, while I was in high school, the government forcefully evicted 100,000 Nepali-speaking citizens …
Food Creates Opportunities
Many consider me an adventurous eater. When I find something unique or out of the ordinary on a menu, I am always curious to try it. And while I didn’t cook much growing up, I stepped out of my comfort zone in college and seminary to do it more. As …
Working with Young People
Wise, witty, and shrewd was Mr. Joe Acito, my senior English teacher at Elder High School. He affectionately called me “Reverend Scalf.” I have no idea why—I was far from religious, but I guess that was his point. If, when I was in his class, you had told me that …
He Rescued me from Sin
I have had to face many trials; however, my greatest suffering came from the one I brought upon myself, when I took the life of my own child. A senior in high school with an unplanned pregnancy, I believed the lie that if I had an abortion, my parents would …
Because He First Loved Us
It was a Tuesday night after a long day of school and softball practice. I still wasn’t sure what this XLT thing was that my best friend had invited me to, but I agreed to check it out. I don’t remember anything about the talk, but I do remember that …
Lent: Going Back to God
We Catholics are wild about signs and symbols. We make the Sign of the Cross whenever we pray, worship, enter the church, walk through a cemetery, or even step up to the plate at a baseball game. We wear symbols of our faith on our ears and around our necks; …
Finding My Vocation in Catholic Schools
As Catholics, we believe God has a plan for every person. We are reminded in the archdiocesan vocation prayer: “Almighty Father, you have created us for some definite purpose…” Where did I first discover my purpose—my vocation? Definitely, in Catholic school! My Catholic high school principal in Maryland took me …