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Today’s Video: The Absolute Necessity of Saying “Thank You”

When was the last time you told God “thank you”? We live in an extremely hectic world, full of distractions, complaining, and longing for things we don’t have. And while it can be good to look at the things we do have and count up our blessings, how often do …

CINCINNATI – November 20, 2020 –St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati is once again helping ensure local families are able to celebrate Thanksgiving with a bountiful dinner by distributing 1,200 turkeys and fixings for a complete meal to local families in need. The distribution will take place via a drive-thru …
Catholic couple donates hundreds of Thanksgiving turkeys in Brooklyn, Queens

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Nov 22, 2020 / 03:01 pm MT (CNA).- For one Catholic businessman in New York City, Thanksgiving has long been a time of sacrifice and generosity. For each of the past four years, Alphonse Catanese and his wife have donated hundreds of turkeys to needy …
Tell us what you are Thankful for!!

To our valued readers: We are preparing the November edition of The Catholic Telegraph and we want to hear what you! In honor of Thanksgiving, share with us how God has blessed you this past year. Submission deadline is Wednesday, October 9. Submit your photos and blessings by clicking here
Grumpy hateful or humble grateful

It’s Thanksgiving dinner. You look around the table and see, once again, your beloved, dysfunctional family. While you would like to imagine that you and your family are the perfect, loving family, around this turkey is a spicy mix of selfishness, negativism, pride, and a pinch of bitterness. I offer …
Photo Essay: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Maribel Trujillo Diaz

Witness from Mairbel Trujillo Diaz More than anything, first of all, I want to thank my God for being here with my family and all of you. If anyone asks me how a spent those long months apart from my family, I would say “in prayer”. When I arrived at …
Thanksgiving: A unique holiday for a uniquely diverse nation
By Lou Baldwin PHILADELPHIA (CNS) — What does Thanksgiving really mean to you? Is it just a really big dinner, or is there something more about it that maybe you’ve forgotten? It is unique among American holidays in that it is both civic and religious in its origins. It is …
Archdiocese residents, ministries take to social media to express thanksgiving

Staff Report With Thanksgiving Day approaching, The Catholic Telegraph invited its followers on Facebook and Twitter to share what they’re thankful for using the hashtag #GratefulCatholicCincy. #GratefulCatholicCincy Tweets As soon as the invitation went out on Wednesday morning, the official Twitter account of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (@CatholicCincy) began sharing …
Rally with Thanksgiving theme last-minute plea for immigration order
By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A table spread with the components of Thanksgiving dinner, with the White House as a backdrop, set the scene Nov. 19 for what would turn out to be a last-minute pitch to the president to protect some of the nation’s 11 million …