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Happy Thanksgiving: Thank You, A Prayer and a Did you know?

The word Eucharist means Thanksgiving. On this day we will once again gather with family and friends and share a hearty meal that has been a staple of the holiday for several hundred years. Today The Catholic Telegraph would like to Thank You, our readers of one of the nations …
Was Squanto Catholic? What we know about this hero of the first Thanksgiving

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Nov 23, 2023 / 04:00 am In 1621, lacking both the skills and the resources necessary to survive in the harsh territory of New England, European pilgrims encountered a miracle: a Native American who not only spoke English but who also used his skills and …
Throwback Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day

Though not in the printed edition of The Catholic Telegraph which was in its 32nd year, below is the text of President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings …
Thanksgiving: 10 saintly quotes to reflect on this Thanksgiving

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Nov 25, 2021 / 00:00 am A thanksgiving should be made to God each and every day, according to the saints in heaven. In special celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday, here are 10 saintly quotes on the importance of gratitude. 1. St. Mother Teresa of …
Thanksgiving Food Distribution at St. Vincent De Paul

2023 Thanksgiving food distribution will take place on Tuesday, November 21st at the Neyer Outreach Center located on 1146 Bank Street beginning at 9 a.m. Thanksgiving is a holiday built around gathering family at the dinner table, giving thanks and chowing down. To help with this holiday tradition, St. Vincent …
On the power of Thanksgiving

By Rebecca Ryskind Teti Nov 23, 2010 A couple of years ago my husband and I took the kids on a Thanksgiving trip to Yorktown. The battlefield is well-preserved, and the historical preservationists keep a live encampment on site for the benefit of tourists. No history-book description of the conditions of …
Was Squanto Catholic? What we know about this hero of the first Thanksgiving

by Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Nov 24, 2022 / 08:00 am In 1621, lacking both the skills and the resources necessary to survive in the harsh territory of New England, European pilgrims encountered a miracle: a Native American who not only spoke English but who also used his skills …
A new Thanksgiving meaning

By Sr Constance Veit, lsp Thanksgiving will soon be upon us with its cornucopia of beloved traditions – from pilgrim scenes to turkey, pumpkin pie, parades and football. Today, however, the warm, nostalgic sentiments once associated with this holiday have been overshadowed by our 21st century indictment of the first …
Catholic at Home: Prepare for a more Soulful Thanksgiving

We go around the table every year: “I’m grateful for my family and friends,” somebody says. “I’m grateful for pie,” one child pipes up. Thinking ahead to my turn, I want to voice something that’s heartfelt and unique, but, most years, I realize that I’ve done little reflection on the …

More than 100 volunteers to help with annual food distribution When: Tuesday, November 23 – Doors open at 9:00 a.m.; neighbors will be lined up early. Where: Don and Phyllis Neyer Outreach Center, 1146 Bank St. (West End) What: St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati is once again helping to …