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In the Great Commission, Jesus tells His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mk. 15:16). But what good is it to preach, if the Word is never heard? Before the advent of the microphone, churches sought to use the technology at hand to …

During the course of the pandemic, we were forced to become more resourceful and creative, all while the world was turned upside down. Organizations across the globe had to figure out ways to keep going during the uncertainty and fear. Amid all the change and turmoil, our schools became, in …

The gift of computers is doing more than providing children with a resource for school or play — at St. Julie Billiart parish in Hamilton, it is also providing children the gift of religious education. But help is needed to make it possible for all children. St. Julie Billiart Parish …

Artificial Intelligence We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.

by Gail Finke It all started at Old St. Mary’s, the archdiocese’s oldest church, located in what is now one of Cincinnati’s hottest urban neighborhoods. Albert Bloomfield was starting a choir to sing the Tridentine Latin Mass, which had been celebrated there for years without music. He wanted the choir …

Father Kyle Schnippel (r), Father Jacob Willig (l)
When the Ohio Bishop’s Conference announced the suspension of public Masses to prevent the spread of COVID-19, things changed dramatically for both priests and parishioners. Although it was for a just cause, parishioners found themselves generally unable to receive the Eucharist and priests found their primary touch point with worshipers …

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 22, 2020 / 08:30 am (CNA).- The Vatican announced Saturday the approval of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Venerable Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager and computer programmer, who died in 2006. The miracle involved the healing of a Brazilian child suffering from …

I often look around my life, full of busy (and sometimes overwhelming) children, stacks of homework, barking dogs, dirty dishes, mountains of laundry and the never-ending grocery list and wonder how I’m even going to power through the day-to-day activities and take care of my own prayer life, let alone …

Can you believe it is already 2020? In 2010, I had a 7-month-old. Now I have a 10-year-old. By 2030, he will probably be in college. Yikes. Every New Year is a chance for a new beginning – and people like new beginnings. But this new beginning feels special because …

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, May 14, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis said Monday he is worried that youth are too enmeshed in a virtual world of cell phones and other technology, separated, in particular, from the real human contact experienced by performing works of mercy. Answering a question about …