Posts Tagged
Summit Country Day School
Taking the Eucharist to Heart

In the history of the Catholic Church, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, colloquially called Eucharistic ministers, are a recent development. The Second Vatican Council opened the door for lay people to assist in distribution of communion, and Eucharistic ministers have become commonplace in the decades since. In Catholic high schools, …
Out and About in the Archdiocese May 2023

1) Lehman Science Olympiad Winners The Lehman Catholic High School Science Olympiad team competed in the Science Olympiad Regional on March 18. The team won medals in 12 events. The Lehman Catholic High School Science Olympiad consists of 15 students competing in 23 events. Lehman’s team placed fifth …
School News: Summit Celebrates Track Gold

Students and faculty at The Summit Country Day School welcomed the school’s state championship relay team back to campus, gathering Upper School students for a celebratory assembly. Runners Braeden Austin ’23, Oren Jenkins ’22, Oscar Loehrer ’23 and Matthew Shuler ’22 plus alternates Grant Desch ’24 and Luke Bulla ’22 …
Who’s Who?

Who (or what) are all our Catholic high schools named after, anyway? Here’s a quick guide to the names of the archdiocesan and independent Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Archbishop Alter High School, Dayton Named for Karl Joseph Alter, fifth archbishop of Cincinnati, the school opened in …
School News: Head of school at The Summit announces retirement plans

After more than 12 years leading The Summit Country Day School community, Head of School Rich Wilson will retire in June 2022. The board of trustees has named a senior member of the school’s leadership team, Kelley Schiess, as Wilson’s successor. Schiess currently serves as the Assistant Head of School …
Obituary: Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN May 26, 1931 – January 12, 2021 “You do more good by training one good teacher than by looking after a hundred boarders.” (Saint Julie Billiart, p. 67, To Heaven on Foot) Mary Josephine D’Amico was the oldest child and only daughter in a close-knit …
Summit community responds to call to help Northside school

What started out as a reflective prayer during a virtual meeting May 12 among members of The Summit Country Day School community ended up as a schoolwide service project to benefit St. Boniface School in Northside. After putting out the call to The Summit community, families brought in hundreds of …
Samantha England: A Portrait of Perseverance Summit Country Day Teacher Educates While Battling Cancer

By Rebecca Sontag There are a thousand excuses for not making your own artwork. But the kids love to see what you can do. It brings a level of authenticity to your classroom also. The whole thing just worked out amazingly.” –Samantha England Samantha England had more than a thousand …
Obituary: Sister Mary Buckley, SNDdeN

Cincinnati OH – August 16, 2019 – Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Mary Buckley (formerly Mary Ellen), died July 17, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, at the age of 93. A native of Chicago, IL, she was in her 76th year of religious life. Sister Mary taught various Math courses, …
Obituaries: December

Father Thomas Meyer A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Thomas Meyer was celebrated Dec. 11 at St. Albert the Great Parish in Kettering. Father Meyer, 74, died Dec. 6. A native of Dayton, Father Meyer did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. …