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Stuff Luke Carey Found
Stuff Luke Carey found: Reddit

Reddit. A microcosm of the internet if there ever was one. Reddit is the seventh most viewed website in America and the twenty-second most viewed site in the world. 525 million unique visitors peruse Reddit each month. Reddit can be about anything. Literally anything. I’d be curious to know how …
Stuff Luke Carey found for April: Chastity

Chasity. Few church teachings seem as antiquated to my fellow millennials as chastity. The church’s teaching on sexuality are beautiful, true and good. But Descartes, the Enlightenment, Nietzsche and the entire twentieth century ensured the church’s teaching on sexuality would be an afterthought to most millennials. And it worked. So, …
Stuff Luke Found for March: You Tube channel demonstrates joy of living the Gospel

By Luke Carey: Can we have an honest conversation? Have you ever thought that, not all the time, but every now and again when we speak of the faith, we come across, as a bit stale? It is not a matter of doctrine, or liturgy or the truths our church …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: Podcast

By Luke Carey Podcasts. Podcasts seem to be everywhere now. According to the Pew Research Center, 21 percent of Americans 12 or older listened to a podcast in 2016. Compare that to 2013, when only 12 percent of Americans 12 or older listened to a podcast. In 2013, Apple estimated …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: January

Editor’s Note – This is the first of a monthly column by Luke Carey, Director of Office for Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship, that examines Catholic resources and information available online in various formats. To contact Carey about the column, email: [email protected]. Experts estimate there are more than one billion …