Posts Tagged
Stuff Luke Carey Found
Fall Theology on Tap in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

FALL THEOLOGY ON TAP CLIFTON You’re invited to this Fall’s Theology on Tap. We are in some troubled times — the Church abuse crisis, the separation of families at the border and raids on immigrants, mass shootings, and a host of other things. With all of this going on, …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: The Threshold Podcast

“Let’s violate a cultural norm. In a time when religious conversations can seem tense or even taboo, we sit down with a different guest each week to talk about their faith (or disbelief), what shaped it, and why it matters.” — The Threshold So begins the ‘About’ section of The …
Stuff Luke Carey Found for February: The Jordan Petersen Podcast

I attended a conference in Philadelphia last month, and two interesting things occurred. Well, three. First, I ate a bad Philly cheesesteak, but I did listen to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song while eating. Second, one presenter used a fascinating quote from then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. I don’t remember …
Stuff Luke Carey found for January: Stories Matter

Stories matter. Especially today. Instagram encourages users to post videos as stories. Families pass down stories. Billions share stories on Facebook. Friends laugh at the same stories for decades. Brands now tell stories to communicate with customers. There’s a reason for it all. Stories work. Humans crave the purpose and …
Stuff Luke Carey Found for December: Encounter in the Ordinary

Two different people shared the same article with me last month. My charismatic roots tempt me to take that it as a sign it should be this month’s topic, so here goes. The article came from the Catholic website Aleteia, and is titled, “Hey, pastors, want to bring us Millennials …
Stuff Luke Carey Found for November: Catholic Stuff You Should Know

I dare you to find a better Catholic podcast than Catholic Stuff You Should Know (CSYSK). What began as a simple response to Pope Benedict XVI’s call to engage new technologies for the New Evangelization, CSYSK reigns as the preeminent Catholic podcast. Its format is simple but effective. Four priests …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: October

“A glance at her too long tonight. But everything I am saying’s right in your ears.” The kid on stage seemed no older than 15. Alone on a small stage with his guitar and a mic, each word oozing with cadence, confidence and authority, he said the right things at …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: September

I am exhausted. That’s mostly due to the fact that I have a cold. But there’s another reason. I’m going to avoid specifics. It involves friends giving opinions I agree with, friends saying things I disagree with, enemies I find hard to love at times, and people who are aren’t …
Stuff Luke Carey Found: August

American Catholics evangelize while sipping suds Note: When I write of drinking, I mean the simple act of drinking an alcoholic beverage while over the age of 21. Many equate the word ‘drinking’ with the act of drinking excessively. That is not the focus of this article. “In Catholicism, the …
Stuff Luke Carey found: Staying in touch with your humanity in the digital age

Confession: I never learned to change my car’s oil. Before we get all, “typical millennial,” some recommended perspective. I grew up in a culture filled with convenience. Since the age of sixteen, I can pay a small amount to have someone else change my oil and not worry about any …