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Campaign collects $100 million; already making a difference

By Steve Trosley David Kissell always has a smile on his face, but none so big as the one he displayed recently when the “One Faith, One Hope, One Love” effort registered $100 million in pledge payments having been paid to the campaign. Kissell, director of the archdiocesan Stewardship …
Archdiocesan capital campaign hits $130 million goal

One Faith, One Hope, One Love, the ongoing Archdiocese of Cincinnati capital campaign, announced this week that it has reached it’s minimum fund-raising goal of $130 million. The historic campaign has officially recorded pledges totaling $134,424,051, about 3% over the goal that was set at the start of the effort. The …
Parish leaders attend summit on stewardship
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — When Christians recognize God’s love and gifts and share them with others we fulfill a call to be God’s co-workers in building His kingdom. That was a key message Father Samuel Hose shared during his keynote address at the 2010 …