Posts Tagged
Steve Trosley
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

Every Catholic should know the definition of a sacrament as “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” And what s grace? The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” calls grace “participation in the life of God.” That is a font that never runs dry. Moreover, the grace poured out …
Editor’s Note: We Just Have to Listen

The Lord tells us what to do. We just have to listen.” One of our recently-ordained priests wrote that in a profile about his view of vocations. So when the company that owned the newspaper I was publishing in Illinois in 2011 directed that an additional 18-20 percent would have …
Editor’s Note: Mass obligation more than simply showing up

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr reminds you, on page 2 of this edition, that your Sunday Mass obligation is not suspended during the summer vacation months. Summer activities, coupled with extended daylight hours and warmer temperatures do consume time. Still, the Sunday Mass requirement is an obligation, not an option. “On …
Always behave as if you are being watched because there’s always someone watching

My father once told me, “You can get any job you want if you always behave as if a potential employer is watching you when you are out in public.” His theory was that behaving as if someone who could do you good – or harm – was watching was …
The teacher is always silent during the test

An Ursuline sister who was one of my early teachers said of God, “Remember the teacher is always silent during the test.” One year ago, my wife slipped and broke her femur. Complicating the matter: We were in Indianapolis. When you have a medical emergency in a strange city, you …
Deck the halls and make some spiritual resolutions

The future looms as we near the end of another trip around the sun. And while it is deck the halls time, it also behooves us to look at the year ahead. Prepping for the celebration of Christ’s birth, we should ask ourselves how we’re going to build our spiritual …
Social media fuels the modern-day self-inflicted mortal wound

References in the popular culture to letters written but never sent appear in literature, film and even songs. Nights in white satin, never seeming to end; Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. – Justin Hayward, The Moody Blues 1967 Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, even John Kennedy, were all writers …
The Books We Read Shape Us: Steve Trosley

The desks in my elementary school had hinged lids. This design facilitated storage. Also, it served my purposes: reading a library book or magazine while the teacher expounded on something less exciting like axioms and theorems. Lift the lid, read a few paragraphs, and quietly put it down …
Steve Trosley for November: Vocations belong to the family and parish, too

News that Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West will be expanded to accommodate a steady increase in the number of men interested in becoming priests reminded me that my younger brother will celebrate the 40th anniversary of his ordination next year. Father Anthony Trosley serves as a diocesan priest …
Fake news or lie? By either name, it stinks

There’s a lot of talk these days about fake news. I do not like the word fake, “a forgery” among other definitions. What they’re referring to is something written to mislead or trick the reader, especially if it disagrees with a given bias or promotes a perceived bias. Fake news, …