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Stephen T. Badin High School
On the Cutting Edge

For more than half a century, the only Catholic high school in Butler County has made a name for itself with its students, faith life, focus on technology and “Ramily.” What is “Ramily?” Brian Pendergest, Badin High School Principal, and Dirk Q. Allen, Director of Admissions and Media Relations, explain …
Who’s Who?

Who (or what) are all our Catholic high schools named after, anyway? Here’s a quick guide to the names of the archdiocesan and independent Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Archbishop Alter High School, Dayton Named for Karl Joseph Alter, fifth archbishop of Cincinnati, the school opened in …
School News: Badin senior Logan Hage named National Merit ‘Commended Student’

Badin High School senior Logan Hage has been named a Commended Student in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. Hage scored in the top five percent of the more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2020 scholarship competition by taking the 2019 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test in …
Badin pleased with online efforts; five-day online retreat a highlight

As Badin High School wraps up four weeks of online school this week heading into Easter break on Good Friday, Principal Brian Pendergest said he was pleased with the efforts of all concerned. “None of us have ever been in a situation like this,” Pendergest noted. “Our faculty and students …
Badin’s Alex DeLong honored with ‘That’s My Boy’ award

Add the “That’s My Boy” award to the list of honors garnered by Badin High School senior Alex DeLong this year. “I was very surprised – I didn’t expect it at all,” a smiling DeLong said. “I was listening to the list of accomplishments for all of the other nominees, …
Photo Essay: Wearin of the Green at Badin, but wait, it isn’t March 17th

Today’s Photo Essay takes us to Badin High School in Hamilton. Today is their fundraising day called Give Green Day. On this day green is a prevalent display!
Badin High will implement drug testing of students

Badin High School will implement mandatory drug tests for all students beginning in January 2020, school officials have announced. “This is in the best interests of the students,” Badin High Principal Brian Pendergest said. “The impact of drug use on young students and their families is staggering and our community …
Obituary: Sister Alma Grollig, SNDdeN

Cincinnati OH – November 7, 2019 – Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Alma Grollig (formerly Jeanne Thérèse), died October 20, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH, at the age of 87. A native of Cincinnati, OH, she was in her 68th year of religious life. Sister Alma taught grades three through …
School News: Badin’s Josh Mears named principal at Queen of Peace

When Badin High Social Studies teacher Josh Mears was singing with the guitar group at Queen of Peace parish a few years ago, he had no idea what the future held. Mears has been named the principal at Queen of Peace School in Millville effective July 1. He will replace …
In their words: March for Life experience of solidarity and hope for students

Thousands from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati attend the annual March for Life each January in Washington, D.C., marking the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that legalized abortion on demand. Among the participants are area high school students and their chaperones, who make the journey to the nation’s …