Posts Tagged
Stem cells
Pro-life research group rates ‘encouraging’ COVID vaccine development

CNA Staff, Dec 4, 2020 / 11:30 am MT (CNA).- A pro-life research group has clarified which of the leading COVID vaccine candidates in the United States have not used abortion-derived cell lines in production or testing. The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the research arm of the pro-life Susan B. …
Ice bucket challenge brings attention to pro-life research center
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Few people think of Iowa City, Iowa, as a hotbed of medical research. But in a roundabout way more Catholics are beginning to take notice of a Catholic, pro-life medical research center. This summer’s ALS ice bucket challenge craze has netted nearly …
FAQ on the Ice Bucket Challenge
Staff Report The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taken the nation by storm. Questions about the research supported by the ALS Association, however, have left some Catholics concerned about participating. Here is a quick overview of the situation. What is ALS, what is this challenge, who is the ALS Association, …
Q&A: Has the church been clear on embryonic stem cells?
Dear Father: In the past my husband and I have donated to various organizations, only to learn that they use donations for embryonic stem cell research. While they do much good, they still support this practice. We have stopped giving, but I also know a lot of Catholics who donate …
Question of Faith: Is it ok to save umbilical blood for stem cell research?
Dear Father: Is it okay for someone to have umbilical blood saved from a live birth to use in stem cell research or attempts to find a cure for diseases like MS? Dear Reader: The answer to your question is “yes.”