Posts Tagged
Stegeman column
Millennial Catholics, What are we waiting for?

What’s the difference between a frozen dinner and a millennial? The frozen dinner needs a couple minutes to be ready. Millennials are ready now. That’s what we tell our elders right? We say we’re ready for more responsibility at work, more money, more stuff to do. We go on about …
From Columbine to Dallas, this millennial is sick of the violence

Dallas. Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights. Click any of the above hyperlinks and Wikipedia will fill you in on the violence our nation experienced last week. This isn’t what I wanted to write about. I had much lighter fare in mind, but on the night of the Dallas shootings I found …
The internet: Excuse killer for collegiate Catholics

A 24-hour a day Mass times resource that anyone with internet can access is objectively speaking , a great thing. But for the young collegiate Catholic, it is also an excuse killer. When my parents’ generation went to college, they no doubt did a little research on the parishes near …
Faith in the age of internet comments

Anyone who sets sail on the digital sea eventually faces the internet’s most contentious waters — the comment section. Should one dare keep scrolling past the end of a post for fear of what they might find? Or is it better to read on and see if some further insight might …
Millennials at Mass: To whom shall we go?

Millennials at Mass aren’t aren’t extinct, but they seem to be an endangered species. A recent Pew Research Center study noted that in 2014, just 16 percent of millennial Americans identified themselves as Catholic. The same study noted 35 percent of millennials identified themselves as “nones,” a term meaning they …
Alternative Christmas carol echoes truth of the season

Once I’ve heard “We wish you a merry Christmas” and “Jingle Bells” a few too many times each year, I turn to a an old secular hit to get a break. As we’ve begun the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, I’ve been thinking about this “alternative Christmas carol” in a new …
Four reasons I’m not leaving the Catholic Church
Elizabeth Scalia, managing editor of the Catholic portal of the religion blog site Patheos has challenged all Catholics with access to a webpage to take a few moments and tell the world why you are remaining a Catholic. With the permission of my editor, I’m going to use a few …
Lauren Hill lived the calling God gave her
Just two weeks after stealing the national spotlight with a pair of layups Nov. 2, 2014 against Hiram College, Mount St. Joseph University freshman basketball player Lauren Hill was already showing some signs of decline. On Nov. 18, 2014 at Mount St. Joseph for a check presentation, Hill was wearing …
Witnessing First Communions brings back memories
A large First Communion crowd and a loud baby (my own) made it very hard to pay attention at Mass this weekend as my wife, mother-in-law, and I stood in the back of St. Martin of Tour’s in Cheviot this Sunday. Even so, First Communion always brings back memories for …
Local prep athletes, remember the Pope’s words
September, 2013 The end of August and beginning of September means the fall sports season — particularly the high school football season — is here. The lessons that sports can teach apply across all types of competition, including all of Ohio’s high school fall sports. Cross country can teach endurance …