Posts Tagged
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross

Also known as the Way of the Cross, the Stations of the Cross is a devotion especially popular for Fridays in Lent. Brought to Europe by the Franciscans, they represent spots where pilgrims to Jerusalem stop to pray while retracing the steps of Christ. Since the Middle Ages, European Catholics …
Local Catholic football program participates in Stations of the Cross workout

SportsLeader, a virtue-based program for coaches based in Louisville, Ky., has come up with a Lenten challenge for high school athletic programs and at least one local school has accepted that challenge. The SportsLeader Stations of the Cross Workout capitalizes on the Lenten practice of reflecting on Christ’s passion with 14 …
Pope asks people walk Way of Cross to find Christ’s light, Jesuit says
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis shows people that only by walking the Way of the Cross can they discover the “Way of the Light” — the glory of God resurrected and the salvation of mankind, said the Jesuit editor of a new book. …
Catholic Moment: It’s time to pray the Stations
March 15, 2011 By Father Earl Fernandes Our family prayed the rosary every night. Invariably, my mother would say, “It’s time to pray the rosary,” just as our favorite television programs began. The rosary would be followed by a host of prayers, including the Litany of Loreto, the Angelus, a …