Posts Tagged
St. Xavier High School
Obituary: Sr. Georgia Marie Messingschlager, CDP

Sr. Georgia Marie Messingschlager, CDP died peacefully at Holy Family Home on January 23, 2025 after a brief illness. She was a professed member of the Congregation of Divine Providence for 67 years. Born in Covington, KY in 1938 to William and Georgia Marie Kaub Messingschlager, she made her first …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for December 2024

1) All Saints Day at Royalmont Academy in Mason celebrated All Saints Day with costumes and presentations in grades PreK through eighth. May the example of these saints inspire our students. As the school’s chaplain, Father Jesus, reminds them: we are all saints in the making! 2) SUA and St. …
Out and About for September 2024

1) Volunteers Provide Dinner Service St. Stephen (Cincinnati) parishioners helped serve over 180 meals while staffing the St. Francis Seraph dinner service in Over-the-Rhine on July 11. Volunteers serve meals at SFS on the second Thursday of each month. Pictured: Ed Worland, Judy Hammer, David Hammer, Rose Bitsoff, Katie Gaunt, …
Taking the Eucharist to Heart

In the history of the Catholic Church, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, colloquially called Eucharistic ministers, are a recent development. The Second Vatican Council opened the door for lay people to assist in distribution of communion, and Eucharistic ministers have become commonplace in the decades since. In Catholic high schools, …
Moonlight Musings

During the 12 years I lived and worked with the Pope’s astronomers at the Vatican Observatory, located 15 miles outside of Rome at Castel Gandolfo, I had the privilege of welcoming many visitors. People loved seeing the four beautiful and historic telescopes housed under retractable domes atop the Papal Palace …
All Catholic school baseball showcase coming to Xenia

By John Stegeman Six of Ohio’s top high school baseball programs will participate in a season-opening showcase March 23 at the Athletes in Action Sports Complex in Xenia. The event features exclusively Catholic high schools, a celebrity speaker and Mass. Mike Hoendorf, the showcase’s director and founder, is a long-time …
Did You Know? St. Francis Xavier Downtown Cincinnati

1819 Christ Church, the first church in Cincinnati city limits, built on the current site of St. Francis Seraph Church at Vine and Liberty Streets. 1821 The original church moved to Sycamore street on rollers and designated the cathedral of the new Diocese of Cincinnati. It was replaced within five …
More than Just a Game

By Kary Ellen Berger In sports and similar matchups, there is typically a winner and loser by event’s end. But in the game of life, with God as the center, everyone wins. This is evident with St. Xavier High School’s team chaplain program. The 11 team chaplains are St. Xavier …
Catholic Schools Transforming Hearts & Souls

JACOB SCHMIESING “I was six years old when I first wrote, ‘I want to be a priest,’ in the same sentence as ‘I want to be a fighter pilot or a dump truck driver,’” said II Theology seminarian Jacob Schmiesing. It wasn’t until years later, after experiencing the liturgy and …
Diving In Aqua Bombers Carry Faith into the pool

The historic St. Xavier High School swimming and diving team received has multiple accolades— including, most recently, placing second place at the state competition in March. Additionally, senior Gavin Hang and head swimming and diving coach, Dave Albert, were named Cincinnati/NKY Winter Sports All-Stars. But it’s more than just the …