Posts Tagged
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Sharing the Good News

Sharing the Good News of our faith may seem an easy concept, but it doesn’t always come to fruition. That’s why the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) reserves funds to aid evangelization. “Embracing evangelization in our archdiocese and beyond, in our parishes and through ministries like those supported by the Catholic …
Today’s Video: The Ickey Shuffle at St Rita’s School for the Deaf

This week to celebrate the Cincinnati Bengals win on Saturday, we planned fun activities for our staff and students.
Overcoming Obstacles

A child celebrating their Confirmation Mass is a memory they’ll treasure forever. It’s not only confirming their relationship with God and the Church, but it’s a monumental occasion that is usually celebrated with family and friends. To ensure students at St. Rita School for the Deaf were not missing out …
Who’s Who?

Who (or what) are all our Catholic high schools named after, anyway? Here’s a quick guide to the names of the archdiocesan and independent Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Archbishop Alter High School, Dayton Named for Karl Joseph Alter, fifth archbishop of Cincinnati, the school opened in …
Obituary: Reverend William Wysong

Reverend William Henry Wysong passed away on June 7, 2021, in Montgomery, Ohio. He was born on June 19, 1946 in Springfield, Ohio. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary, Cincinnati and studied philosophy and theology at Mount St. Ma1y’s Seminary of the West. He received a Master’s …
Hannah Houser Hamilton Native Pursues Religious Vocation and Ministers to the Deaf Community

by Kary Ellen Berger Hannah Houser feels called to live out the Franciscan charism: to live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. While she is still in discernment on her path to be with the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, she’s not letting any obstacles hinder her progress. Hannah …
Deaf Ministry: Newly-Formed Archdiocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities Seeks to Make the Sacraments More Accessible

Imagine being a Catholic in need of confession but being told no priests in the area speak your language. Consider the same scenario for weddings and baptisms. Would you feel welcome as a parishioner if your entire sacramental life were administered through interpreters? Such is the life of deaf Catholics …
St. Rita School for the Deaf: Celebrating 105 Years of Impacting the Community!

Cincinnati, OH: October 2020 – On October 16, 2020 at 10:30am, St. Rita School for the Deaf will be celebrating the 105th anniversary of our founding. Over 120 students and staff will gather on the field next to the school to release 105 biodegradable balloons in honor of impacting our …
The 2020 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Make an impact!

Together, we can teach, feed, and heal through our CMA ministries. Thousands of people across 19 counties in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati rely on the generosity of people like you. Your gift makes a meaningful difference for families during some of life’s most difficult moments. The CMA supports six ministries …
Latest News from the Priests Personnel Office

The Priests’ Personnel Office announces the following New Assignments: Effective October 24, 2019 Father John Madanu, Archdiocese of Hyderabad, Parochial Vicar, St. Brigid, Xenia, St. Augustine, Jamestown, and St. Paul, Yellow Springs. Effective January 1, 2020 Father Ignatius Schweitzer, O.P., Parochial Vicar, St. Gertrude, Cincinnati. Effective February 1, 2020 Father …